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Recent review: Saya sangat suka pad jenama intimate! Selalunya bila pakai jenama lain, bahagian v saya akan naik ruam dan gatal-gatal. Tetapi dengan intimate, saya tak pernah ada kegatalan dan selesa sangat!
Aizati87Recent review: Great pleasure for intimation. The dotted rubber is such a great design as it gives extra feel. It enhances the sensitiveness and also stimulate better reaction upon using. My partner felt really good by using this and always stock up…
Vero9828Recent review: no more foul smell or itchiness after using this product. it is easy to use just one pump will do. sometimes I pump twice for use. it's soap free and the foam is in white color. This keeping my feminine…
sherryever71Recent review: glad to have this Safi small bottle feminine wash. It is easy for travel use too, for put in bag or handbag. Just pump once is enough for me, It doesn't irritate my skin after use, can easy find and…
sherryever71Recent review: 海鸥Bio Seleza女性卫生棉它让你穿了很舒适,而且可以帮助月经不调,白带问题,子宫炎症,阴处发炎等。。
Weiping200405Recent review: I've been using Laurier Perfect Comfort Ultra Slim Wing for the past 10 years. It provides me the dryness and comfortness level that I like. I do not feel bulky and uncomfortable when I'm wearing Laurier as I'm always looking…
elainelyl60Recent review: Recently I just bought this pack of pantiliners. Seeking for the most affordable price and here I found it. For 40s + 20s I just paid for the price of normally 40s others pantiliners. This pack got 50% extra. It…
BumbleBee34Recent review: Good, reliable and small. I used Philips shaver everyday, still working well and tip top. Maintenance free, and just change the battery when the head spinning speed is low. Recommended!!!!
小曈Recent review: Selain perfume, roll on untuk ketiak juga mampu memberikan seseorang lebih yakin untuk berhadapan dengan orang ramai, penggunaan yang tidak melekit dan memberikan kepuasan kepada saya apabila terpaksa bekerja di tempat panas. Roll on ini tidak meninggalkan sebarang kesan kuning…
Riduan HalimRecent review: 用过一次就越来越喜欢用了,还在用着呢。它有一种香香的花味,穿了也有种冰冰凉凉的感觉,不会觉得不舒服,穿了还挺自在的,而且尺寸宽度都刚刚好,是我喜欢的一款。
Hellen Chan