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Recent review: One of my friend bought me this perfume. It smells really nice. I checked out the price and I was shocked because I expected a lower price. But to think twice, it's reasonable as well because it's a branded perfume…
Weiteng52041Recent review: I boughy this for my husband and he loves it. I also like the smell and it is long lasting for the whole day. It is suitable for people who works outdoor and smoking
Ernyfazleena87Recent review: Long lasting and nice aroma. My friends always ask me bring for him when I back to hometown. I just can say you get what you pay for... it’s really worth to have it. A scent of attractive guy. Wanna…
Carlson LimRecent review: Siapa yang suka bau light. Pilih yg ni! Sesuai pakai waktu siang lah. Hihi. Harga pun mampu milik
Cik AqilaRecent review: This edp is perfect for women that want a sweet and soft scents.. it makes me feel elegant and boost my confidence. For the best results, apply lotion before applying swietenia. This will make your scents last longer.
Rauna27Recent review: 我第一眼看中是那小精灵,味道也很喜欢,特别是哈密瓜味道,我闻到有一点哈密瓜味,就喜欢上它了
YenYen DiorRecent review: 每一次都会趁着打折买几盒,这款蒸汽眼罩特别好,热的很快,40°温度适中,用完眼睛很舒服。平时一整天看电脑玩手机,现在每天临睡前都要贴一贴,给眼睛做一个SPA,很舒服,我也很爱呢。不过价格比起其他品牌会稍微有点贵。 我比较喜欢薰衣草香、洋甘菊……香味不会太浓,有着一股淡淡的清香,闻着特别舒服,使用特别方便携带,打开戴上一会儿双眼就有热乎乎的感觉,温热感持续20分钟左右,双眼得到很好放松,特别舒服,希望能缓解双眼的疲劳和黑眼圈,一直回购!强推!!!
tomorrow_estherRecent review: This black pore pack has the same effect with the white pore pack that I had reviewed before. I didn't notice any difference much to the appearance of my blackheads and pores. I still get that itchy feeling on my…
NuhaMohd27Recent review: This perfume is good but more suitable for mature person.I used this for a while and my friend said that the smelling was a little bit strong but it was quiet mature smelling.This smell just like someone went from pub…
limjunyu16Recent review: Baru cuba & bau sangat best, botol cantik....saya suka