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Recent review: Long lasting and nice aroma. My friends always ask me bring for him when I back to hometown. I just can say you get what you pay for... it’s really worth to have it. A scent of attractive guy. Wanna…
Carlson LimRecent review: Siapa yang suka bau light. Pilih yg ni! Sesuai pakai waktu siang lah. Hihi. Harga pun mampu milik
Cik AqilaRecent review: This edp is perfect for women that want a sweet and soft scents.. it makes me feel elegant and boost my confidence. For the best results, apply lotion before applying swietenia. This will make your scents last longer.
Rauna27Recent review: 我第一眼看中是那小精灵,味道也很喜欢,特别是哈密瓜味道,我闻到有一点哈密瓜味,就喜欢上它了
YenYen DiorRecent review: It has a very sweet and refreshing scent that is not too overwhelming on the nose and it lasts for quite a long time. It has a perfect balance of musk and sweet smell. Definitely the kind of perfume to…
Yoggeswara JayaRecent review: Saya memang peminat perfume ini sejak dari sekolah menengah sampai lah ke degree sekarang. Saya banyak terlibat aktiviti dari pagi sehinggalah ke petang dan perfume ini membantu saya untuk kekal wangi tanpa bau busuk. Baunya yang lembut dan wangi membuatkan…
Shahmiza39Recent review: This is the forever perfume for me to gift to my husband..nice and soft is fresh and make me just so in love with the ‘clean’ smell!highly recommended
Joyce20Recent review: Bau gabungan orkid dan vanilla yang tidak terlalu kuat. Segar dan lebih efektif bila kita berpeluh dan aktif. Tambahan pula dia adalah EDP. Sangat tahan lama. Setiap kali pakai perfume ni pasti orang tegur wangi dan tanya wangian apa
yqammarina54Recent review: This was on the pricey side but I thought it would be nice as a treat and I’ve had it for a while now and it’s still basically full I don’t like the smell of it to be honest it…