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Recent review: To be honest after using this shampoo, my hair got soften and also it is help me reduce my hair fall problem. Really enjoy it while using this just the smell is pretty strong but its good.
SyarifahSyafinaz76Recent review: 每天看着地上一堆的头发… 洗澡时掉一堆!梳头时也掉一堆! 出油时头发瘙痒!试用MCJ Hair Tonic Milk 大约3星期后,脱发减少了,头皮瘙痒也减少了,甚至看见新发生长!超级推荐给和我一样脱发和毛发稀疏者。 这一款防脱发喷雾,采用都是珍贵草本配制而成,不含硅油、防腐剂和MIT/CMIT,无副作用。我每天洗头吹干后,轻松喷洒在头皮即可,一天使用一两次,据说长期使用更有效果,不仅可以帮忙去除头皮油分,保护头皮,也是强化发根。
tomorrow_estherRecent review: 自从mco在家工作,感觉很焦虑,压力太大让我的头发一把一把掉落!!! 因为网上有很多人推荐Apple Stem Cell Tonic 苹果干细胞头皮滋养液,所以我也试用,觉得它的清新薄荷味很赞✔️ 不止是舒缓掉发,而且还促进头皮血液循环。我每天早上都会喷一喷在头皮上,然后轻轻地按摩头皮,过了几个礼拜是有感觉头发更有弹性,也不会每一次梳头都掉一大把了!
tomorrow_estherRecent review: 应该是不错用的,因为弟弟自从用了它后,就不改其它牌子的洗发水了! 也不再投诉洗发水根本没效,广告还打得那么好,更本是骗人的。 所以没了投诉,就代表。。。。。
Candies SeeRecent review: When this huge pink bottle landed in my hands for a review, I have to admit, I was excited. Grateful too, for I've heard many good things about this brand. From after the first use it itself, I could feel…
cindybindy27Recent review: My friend gifted me this Ducray Tonifying Gel because she told me that it is good for the scalp and for the hair growth. After using it for few months I saw there are great results as I do not…
Jayalakshmi JayaRecent review: syampu clear anti hair fall ni mmg wangi dan mengurangkan kegatalan kelemumur dikepala dan juga mengurangkan kerak rambut dikepala saya. namun masalah keguguran rambut saya masih seperti biasa.
CikSue38Recent review: 用了之后感觉效果还好,不是特别明显,还有一个缺点就是比较难干,不过味道很香
Wei Jie KhoRecent review: Recommended to all hair loss problems friends! This product solved my hair loss problem. I trusted t MARO since use it for the first time, cant imagine how good this product is. My little hair started to grow up just…
kenneth669Recent review: My hair started thinning last year, i tried many products but without positive results. After try this product, my hair seems alive, more vibrant with less breakage now. I am on my third bottle now and I will buy more.…