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Recent review: Bila kerja malam sentiasa ada sebotol pokka premium rich coffee sebagai peneman. Rasa yang memukau dan menyegarkan tidak dapat dilupakan.
Firiza ShopsRecent review: 超爱这个Pokka系列的芒果口味,不会很甜芒果奶味又很香。。 每次购物都会买来放在冰箱慢慢喝
Mandylim83808Recent review: Setiap kali badan saya terasa panas atau hampir nak demam mesti saya akan cepat2 cari air cap kaki tiga ni sebab setiap kali minum mesti badan saya akan terus kembali seperti biasa and saya dah selalu minum air cap kaki…
Aliyahvina78Recent review: 放在冰箱里冷冷的在大热天配上一杯冰冰的茶是最好的解暑饮料了
Miko TanRecent review: The taste is pretty light and smooth, without much of the bitterness you can get with other green teas.I'm completely addicted to tea, and this green tea has a nice smooth flavor, it doesn't even need to be sweetened.
Niki TayRecent review: I keep some of these containers of juice in my refrigerator at all times. One reason is because its my sons favorite and I like to have one sometimes.
Pinky BibiRecent review: Mudah utk saya sedikan minuman kegemaran saya..kordial teh 3 layer ni mmg mudah utk disediakan..hanya bancuh utk satu lapisan jernih,dan campur krimer utk lapisan yg berkrim..sangat sedap,dgn rasa winter melon yg unik dan sgt sedap..mmg berbaloi dicuba.
AieenDeen28Recent review: Tropicana Frutz Sparkling Apple has been my all time favourite drinks as it makes me feel fresh and good always. It tastes so delicious and good for the health too as it is made with the real fresh juice. The…
Kaushelia SheliaRecent review: Sebab apa best.sebab rasa limau dengan pulp oren tu bila minum tu puas hati la tak yah susah susah nak kupas potong limau.kalo blend sendiri limau pon buat rugi je sebab pulp oren hancur takleh nak letus letus dalam mulut.minum…
Roza17Recent review: Saya mula mncuba minuman coklat The Milk Story ni setelah kandungan susu badan sy mula berkurangan dan sy letih nk mnyusukan bayi pertama sy 3 bulan lepas.Minuman coklat The Milk Story ni mngandungi ekstrak halba(Fenugreek) yg membantu penghasilan susu badan.Mmg…