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Recent review: I love Drinho chrysanthemum drinks especially if it is cold. I feel so refreshing and cooling after drinking the cold Drinho chrysanthemum drinks. The drinks is not too sweet and the taste is nice. I always buy it to stock…
haohao21Recent review: 这个比较起来和花旗茶那个是我第2个喜欢的口味,好喝的
Aikoaiko25Recent review: Love the juices from Marigold including this one, Apple Grape. Not too sweet, and the taste is just nice especially if chilled. The juice series are also easy to find in most convenient stores. Price is affordable.
Ezzwin59Recent review: Minuman teh hijau dengan gabungan lemon yg mnyegarkan..Saya sgt sukakan air C2 ni..rasanya x terlalu manis,dapat rasa citrus dari lemon dalam air teh hijau C2 ni..Paling penting,harganya mmg lebih rendah berbanding air teh hijau jenama lain..bila diminum ketika cuaca panas,minuman…
ferdizetty37Recent review: My family and I like this orange juice we enjoy it at breakfast with some homemade pancakes or scrambled eggs, It's a little sweet, so hopefully there isn't any extra sugar in it.
Aikoaiko25Recent review: 这个咸青拧有点酸的,不过还算是我可以接受的范围的,他喝起来很清凉的如果放些冰块的更加的可以添加他的风味的,天气热喝的时候很解渴
Aikoaiko25Recent review: 我的老公最爱Hung Fook Tong 里面的豆浆水了,他每次有做offer 都会买很多回去慢慢喝的,他说这个不会甜而且豆浆的味道很浓郁的,不过要快点喝完不然很快坏
Aikoaiko25Recent review: Apabila meminum jus ini, terasa putik orennya. Seolah saya minum sambil mengunyah sekali. Sedikit masam tetapi enak. Pembungkusan yang biasa. Harga juga ekonomi.
Mimi81Recent review: This juice is pretty affordable. It also tastes pretty great, I drink it all the time. I love all of Minute Maid products. It's healthy for kids also.I'm sure children would enjoy it but it's not very good as an…
Aikoaiko25Recent review: 这个味道很酸的不过他的好处很多的可以帮助我们排毒的而且可以增加免疫力的又可以美颜的,也可以可以通血管的 所以我家人都会喝的