Cosmoderm Soothing Feminine Hygiene Wash

Product Details

A gentle intimate wash with natural soothing, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties suitable for young girls, teenagers and women of all ages
• Helps maintain an ideal pH of 3.5, balances the well-being of vaginal flora
• Helps reduce irritation
• Helps reduce discharge thereby enhancing confidence

Pour a small amount of Feminine Hygiene Wash onto moistened palms. Gently wash the delicate area. Rinse well with water.

  1. Nik Zulaikha
    289 reviews

    Nyaman & menenangkan

    4 out of 5, reviewed on November 19, 2020

    Sewaktu datang bulan, bahagian intim sering tidak selesa. Namun Cosmoderm Soothing Feminine Hygiene Wash amat membantu melegakan, menyamankan dan menghilangkan rasa gatal yang tidak selesa. Baunya juga agak harum.

  2. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Cool and refreshing

    3 out of 5, reviewed on April 1, 2019

    Cosmoderm Soothing Feminine Hygiene Wash is the second variant I tried from Cosmoderm. Quite satisfied with the product. The product just acts as the cleaner and refreshing the intimate area. But bear in mind u need to let it be there for a while for the soothing coolness sensation to come out. The pump is the only problem I encounter. Sometimes it doesn’t want to pump correctly and leakage at the pump area. Overall it is a good product.

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