English translation of He Shou Wu (Chinese Knotweed) is “Black-haired Mr. He”. Traditionally used for restoring gray hair to its original colour. Hair care products containing this herb are formulated specially for treating hair loss too.
Burdock Root contains a large number of beneficial constituents including mucilage, tannins, inulin, vitamin A and essential fatty acids, all of which have a number of possible benefits, including helping nourish hair and skin, reducing cholesterol and adding fiber to the diet. It can also help strengthen hair by nourishing the scalp due to its vitamin A content and essential fatty acids. It may also reduce the symptoms of scalp conditions including dandruff, itchy scalp, redness and scalp infection.
Rosemary helps fighting against premature graying and can gradually darken existing gray hair. It is beneficial for dry, flaky scalps, and as such is a great remedy for dandruff. Rosemary Oil is most notably used for stimulating hair follicles and consequently improving hair growth.
Ingredients: Organic Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Camelia Oil, Castor Oil, Palm Oil, 何首乌(Chinese Knotweed) He Shou Wu Powder, 牛蒡 Burdock Root Powder, Rosemary Powder, Sodium Hydroxide, Essential Oil: Rosemary, Lavender, Tea Tree, Sweet Orange
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