Who does not wish for a healthier, more energetic lifestyle, especially if it is acquired from natural and trusted ingredients? pureBliss has made this dream a reality for us through its natural dietary supplement known as CardiBerry. It is a proprietary blend of CardiOmegia (Omega 7 from Sea Buckthorn), together with potent ingredients such as Goji fruit (Wolfberry) and Coenzyme Q10.
Sourced from 100% organic Sea Buckthorn (or sea berry) grown in the Tibetan Plateau: Sea Buckthorn contains over 190 bioactive nutrients and a full spectrum of Omega 3, 6, 7 and 9. Supplementing one’s diet with CardiBerry means taking in a plethora of cell-regenerating and restorative nutrients as well as the highest level of antioxidants to help mop up free radicals and prevent cellular damage from aging as well as due to oxidative stress.
Some of the well-noted benefits of CardiBerry include improving cardiovascular function and intestinal health; strengthening the immune system; reducing metabolic syndrome; preventing insomnia; stimulating the regenerative level of the skin and mucous membranes; aiding in hydration; and helping to nourish from within, all of which can be felt with daily consumption.
On the external, all these protection and fortification translate to healthier eyes, shinier hair, and of course a more youthful, natural glowing complexion! CardiBerry does not have any added sugar, artificial colouring, artificial flavouring or preservatives.
Healthy Cardiberry
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