HomeBlogWhen The Time Is Near And Instinct Takes Over

When The Time Is Near And Instinct Takes Over

For most pregnant women, a natural instinct takes over somewhere in the third trimester of their pregnancy, where there will be feeling an intense urge to prepare their home for a baby’s arrival. This is called the nesting instinct, whereby even animals go through this. Just do whatever it is you need to do, mama!

This nesting mode is usually fuelled by bursts of energy during the last stages of pregnancy and the intense need to sort things out before the baby arrives. Due to this instinct, you might feel like taking on every little cleaning and organising task there is around the house. Just be sensible and don’t go overboard! Avoid climbing up ladders, stretching too much to reach anything or lifting heavy stuff.

Keep in mind that feeling like doing stuff does not necessarily mean knowing what’s worth the energy and what’s not, or what’s reasonable and what’s over-the-top. This drive to get things done might even render some moms-to-be a bit fuzzy-brained. For example, many moms who indulge in heavy shopping during this period tend to end up with a whole lot of redundant baby stuff that is not worth the price tags.

If you happen to be heavily pregnant and feel the nesting instinct taking over, make the most of it! Let’s see if we can help sort out some of the tasks that most moms will want to check off their list.

Sort out the laundry
Anything that needs to be thrown in the wash can be done now. Wash and dry the floor rugs, towels, your nursing wear, and baby’s clothes. If you plan to have your mom or MIL stay over during your confinement, sort out the spare sheets and towels too. Believe us, once your baby arrives, you may not have the time for it.

Last-minute house cleaning
There’s no better time to do this then now while your nesting instinct is on the roll. If your windows need wiping or the furniture needs dusting, you might as well see to them while you still have the energy and drive! If you allocate a whole day for this, you can easily take it from section to section and room to room. Be sensible though in this cleaning quest, and listen to your body – Stop when you feel uncomfortably tired and never let yourself get to the point of being short of breath.

Kitchen and pantry stock check
Even if you plan to have your mom, MIL or even a confinement lady to come over and cook your meals for you after giving birth, the rest of your household needs to eat (and snack!) too. In any case, there is no harm in stocking up your pantry as well as a refrigerator. A trip to the supermarket might be in order, so get your pen and paper and start writing a shopping list.

What will your family eat (When you’re in the hospital)?
Some moms like to prepare a week’s worth of meals in advance so that their family members will be well-fed during the first few days of their confinement and they’ll not have to depend on outside food. Preparing some of your family’s favourite dishes in advance and storing them in the refrigerator will keep their tummies happy and satisfied while you recuperate, rest and take care of the newest family member.

Final touches to the nursery
If you have a nursery for your baby, you’ll want to see if there is anything else that needs to be done, or if it needs any rearranging. Is your nursing chair in the right spot with your nursing gear in place? Have you hung up all those lovely baby posters you bought some time ago? Or perhaps baby’s clothing has not been arranged in the closet yet? Well, might as well see to these things now, mama.

Baby’s essentials
Being in the nesting mode isn’t just about preparing the ideal homecoming for your precious little one. Many moms tend to also get into a shopping frenzy for baby stuff such as baby toiletries, clothes, bedding, diapers and everything else that should be ready before the newborn arrives. If by any chance your car seat isn’t installed yet or you haven’t bought a baby carrier and/or stroller yet, this will be the best time to do so!

Hospital bag final check
Here’s a bag that gets rearranged and re-stocked over and over again. After all, not every mom can easily make up her mind on what to put on for her newborn baby when it’s time to bring him or her home. Apart from newborn clothes, what else should go into your hospital bag? Determine, write them down, and sort it out to your heart’s content.

Prepare for your confinement
Some moms spend their first few days in special confinement centers where just about everything is done for them. Most moms though, spend this crucial period of their lives at home. Assuming you’re one of the latter, do spare a thought on what you need to facilitate your confinement period to help you bounce back faster. Is your confinement lady booked? If your mom or MIL will be looking after you, do they have everything they need? Seeing to these things now while you still have time will help ensure that things run smoothly for you after giving birth.

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