Autism Behavioural Centre (ABC) is an award-winning intervention service provider for children with communication, behavioral, and learning challenges.

Today, ABC is Malaysia’s largest 1:1 intervention centre in the field of ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) therapy, and it is a well-known brand among doctors, parents, and schools. ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) concepts are used in behavioural intervention to improve speech and communication, social skills, behaviour, independence, and school readiness abilities.

ABC offers comprehensive one-on-one ABA services that are tailored to individual needs. Their team of specialists works closely with parents and caregivers to deliver the best possible outcome for each child.

A Conducive Environment to Thrive

Children with autism spectrum disorder may have difficulty understanding both verbal and nonverbal communication, such as instructions, conversations, and tone of voice. Children may struggle to interpret or use facial expressions, voice tone, humour, or sarcasm.

Some of them may not speak or have a limited vocabulary. It is common to observe children that are unable to take instructions, e.g., “come here”, “sit down”, “kiss mummy”, and many are also unable to understand language and concepts in general. Often, being able to distinguish between mommy and daddy, or cold and hot, or big and small, would be a challenge.

As such, they will benefit from alternative communication methods, such as sign language, to communicate their wants and needs. Once imitation skills and vocal behaviors are consistent, children in ABC move on to be verbal and vocal individuals.

With 1:1 private therapy rooms in Bangsar and Subang, ABC ensures that each child’s learning environment is conducive with few distractions to enhance learning. Each child’s instruction is tailored to his or her IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and needs.

Thanks to ABC’s dedicated therapists, numerous autistic children and those with general developmental delays are well-equipped for life and school. Positive reinforcement is used in ABA therapy to address speech impairments, behavioural challenges, and social challenges.

Empowering Children with ABA Therapy

ABC’s proven intervention method includes daily updates in therapy, weekly parent training, and monthly progress meetings. Ms. Dita Chapman, a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), also keeps an eye on the situation.

Their success is attributed to the implementation of PaTTAN (Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network) technology, which was developed by Dr. Amiris Dipuglia and Mr. Mike Miklos. Compared to traditional ways of teaching ABA, PaTTAN gives exponentially better results.

With over two decades of extensive research and studies, ABA is the ultimate choice when it comes to early intervention programmes.

ABC is the gold winner in the BabyTalk MamaPapa Awards 2022 as the best ABA Therapy Centre.

ABA Therapy Centre

Parents can rest assured that ABC is dedicated to helping every child grow and reach their fullest potential. For more information, visit their website, Facebook and Instagram pages.