Technology is ever evolving and is a part of our everyday lives now. It is naturally also a key aspect to education, both in the execution of lessons and also as preparation for students to take on the real world and future careers. Here’s how technology is changing the way children learn.

Anywhere is a good place to learn

With devices like tablets and iPads, students can now learn, do homework and look up stuff practically anywhere and not just in their classrooms or home studies. As soon as an assignment is available, students are free to work on it between classes, while waiting on the bus, etc. In regards to this, technology has bridged the gap between classroom and out of school learning.

Better collaborations

One of the characteristics of the modern classroom is the ability to collaborate effectively. Technology plays its part in empowering this. With classroom technology students can collaborate with other students and their teachers in and outside of the classroom quickly and easily.

Roles change in teachers and students

Following the rise of technology in the classroom, the typical roles of students and teachers have changed. The student has become a lot more active and engaged. Rather than just the teacher relaying information while the student absorbs for future use, the teacher has become more of a facilitator than just a dispenser of information.

Better outreach and attention

Through technology, lessons can be customized to fit each student’s progress and learning style and educators can provide opportunities for students to be able to work and excel at their own level and pace.

The textbook is becoming extinct

Remember wrapping our textbooks in brown paper or plastic book wraps? This fun, crafty back-to-school ritual will soon be unheard of with the impending extinction of the textbook as they’re taken over by eBooks.

The pros and cons of technology in the classrooms

The effects of technology on children are complicated, with both benefits and costs. Whether technology helps or hurts in the development of your children’s thinking depends on what kind of technology is used and how frequently it is used. If reading encouraged children’s brains to be focused and imaginative, the rise of the Internet has strengthened their ability to scan information rapidly and efficiently. So, there are pros and cons of technology when it comes to education.