Lauded as a powerhouse for antioxidants, amla, also known as the Indian Gooseberry, has been making news lately amongst health enthusiasts who swear by its wholesome benefits. Amla, whether it’s in a superfood powder form, juice or fresh/dried fruit, boasts an array of nutrients from Vitamins A, C, and E to iron and calcium, not to mention one of the highest antioxidant content in plant food.

  • Remedy for sore throat. Mixing two teaspoons of amla powder with two teaspoons of honey (try tualang honey if you can access it!). Have it up to four times in a day, and you’ll probably feel a whole lot better the next morning.
  • Relieves constipation: Amla powder has been traditionally used as a gentle laxative to help relieve constipation. You can mix a tablespoon into your breakfast cereal, or beverage, or with just plain water.
  • Purifies the blood: Rich in antioxidants, amla, when incorporated into your weekly diet, will help rid your systems of toxins and free radicals that cause havoc with your health.
  • Helps to fight off a cold and cough: Amla contains 17 times more Vitamin C than a pomegranate. Hence it is useful in treating and preventing coughs and colds. Any form of also would help with this, and if taken regularly, amla helps to keep you healthy and glowing!
  • Helps with mouth ulcers: If taken in liquid form, amla can help relieve mouth ulcers. Dilute some concentrated amla juice with some purified water, and use it as a gargle. Use it two to three times a day for the best results.
  • Relieves arthritis-related pains – Amla has anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful for those with Arthritis-like pains in their joints, and it may help with other aches and pains as well. Try snacking on some dried or fresh amla fruits for a few days and see if there is a difference!