Everybody loves a vacation but when there’s a small child or two in the picture, things can get pretty disastrous without some pre-planning and a list of crucial items at hand.

Little children tend to get anxious, fussy and unpredictable. Factoring their needs into your travels involve a lot more than carrying their favourite snacks and making toilet stops.

This is why we feel that you should never attempt to take little ones on holiday if you don’t have at least a few tricks up your sleeves. So, check your packing list now and make sure you have all the following along with all your other essentials.

En route to your destination

Tummy fillers

Portable snacks and drinks can prevent melt-down dramas from hunger pangs and keep young travellers contentedly full. Snacks that are known to do the trick include cookies, fruits and sandwiches.

Keep the snacks and drinks kids-friendly and easy-to-handle.


Nothing is more frustrating to a travelling parent than his or her bored, frustrated kid. Get ahead of the game and set up some distractions on standby. These should include:

Kids friendly apps

Download a few good kiddie app onto your hand-held device. Try to get a good mix for fun and variety.

Favourite toy

Familiarity brings comfort, so don’t leave out junior’s favourite toy when you go on a holiday.


If you’re faced with a travelling bookworm, don’t forget to download a few e-books as well.

Activity or colouring books

If it works for your kids, offer any of the two for some quiet, peaceful down-time, regardless if you’re on the road or in the air.

Kiddie backpack

Little ones love emulating us, so fill up a little bag with snacks, toys and coloring books and let them carry it on their own. It’ll make them feel grown up and more in control.

At your destination

Once you’ve reached your holiday spot, you’ll probably be impatient to start enjoying the place – where to go, what to do, the best places to eat, etc. With a child or two in tow, you can still explore in bliss provided you’ve brought the following items to help you out:


A lightweight stroller or buggy can literally save you from having to carry your child around. Parents have also found it useful for carrying shopping bags.

Child tracker

Little kids are an unpredictable lot, but it’s no excuse to lose your kid! Keep them safe and sound with a good child tracker. They’ll be easier to locate in case they wander off.

Wet wipes & Hand sanitisers

When things get dirty and sticky (and with little kids, we guarantee you they will), having a trusty pack of wet wipes will come in handy for cleaning and freshening up.

A well-stocked bag

Moving around with a child means you’ll have to bring a whole lot of extra stuff like hankies, sippy cups, snacks, emergency change of clothes, etc. A comfortable bag or tote will see to all these and more.

Useful tips to remember:

  • Bring along a well-stocked medicine kit
  • Pack your family’s clothes according to the weather at your destination
  • When you’re there, identify which convenience stores and clinics are nearest to you in case of any emergencies during ungodly hours
  • Bring along some multivitamin supplements to ensure that your family and you keep in good health throughout your holiday