Quality Postpartum Confinement with Byond28
Quality Postpartum Confinement with Byond28
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Quality Postpartum Confinement with Byond28

Did you know that maternity confinement has had a long history in East Asia, especially in China? Postpartum confinement, or “sitting the month”, as it is popularly called in China, dates long back to almost 960 AD. Postpartum confinement and treatment became popular among new mothers and midwives as a viable solution to battle the stress and trauma of advanced pregnancy and childbirth. While most postpartum treatments involved the application of traditional Chinese medicine, new mothers were advised to stay indoors while their bodies healed, and were treated to nourishing food to promote recovery and improve the production of breastmilk. Postpartum confinement slowly spread to other Asian countries at large and was actively adopted by countries like Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore.

To this day, postpartum confinement remains one of the most effective and natural processes to relieve the physical and mental exhaustion that follows childbirth. Supplemented by contemporary medical sciences and healthcare support, confinement centres have grown extremely popular around the globe and offer world-class healthcare and hospitality services to new mommies, helping them to recuperate from the tolls of pregnancy. If you are an expecting mother, here’s why you should pick Byond28 Confinement Centre to support you in the early stages of this precious journey with your newborn.

About Byond28 Confinement Care, Cheras
Byond28 is the first standalone confinement centre in Cheras. The confinement centre has been established since 2020 and is well-favoured by many new mothers for the professional service they provide, especially in education, breastfeeding support, and emotional guidance. The core team behind Byond28 Confinement Care understands the physical and emotional challenges that come hand-in-hand together with confinement. The confinement centre is tailored to guide both new and experienced parents alike throughout their parent journey.

Byond28 Confinement Care emphasizes restorative healthcare treatments and nutritious food that helps new mothers regain their vitality in no time after strenuous childbirth. Offering 5 nutritious meals per day, as well as individually packed SWS-branded herbal tonic soup that is different for each mother, depending on what day of confinement that you’re currently in!

As one of the finest professionally managed confinement centres in Kuala Lumpur, Byond28 Confinement Care houses outstanding healthcare professionals, nurses, and healthcare staff to make sure that the residents are recovering satisfactorily. As the month following childbirth is the most critical for both mother and child, Byond28 Confinement Care has both an Obstetrician doctor as well as Paediatrician doctor to support the nursing team in the confinement centre. Unlike other confinement centres who only have 1 or 2 lactation counsellors, Byond28 Confinement Care boasts an entire lactation department of lactation consultants, lactation therapists, and lactation counsellors to support mothers in their breastfeeding problems.

In addition to postpartum recuperation, Byond28 Confinement Centre also hosts educational programmes for new mothers about how to set out on the precious motherhood journey that will be cherished for a lifetime. Your confinement stay will be complete with educational programmes like how to take care of an infant, lactation and breastfeeding, general medicine, obstetrics, and many more! The objective of Byond28 Confinement Care is to ensure that both parents can happily depart after their confinement period with the knowledge to confidently handle their baby at home.

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