
Limes, Citrus aurantifolia, can either be sour or sweet. Sour limes possess a greater sugar and citric acid content than lemons and feature an acidic and tart taste, while sweet limes lack citric acid content and are sweet in flavour. Limes probably originated in the Indonesian archipelago or the nearby mainland of Asia. The Arabs may have taken limes, as well as lemons, from India to the eastern Mediterranean countries and Africa around 1000 AD.

  • These citrus gems contain calcium and folate, two nutrients that are important for post-menopausal women and women of child-bearing age. One fresh lime contains 22 milligrams of calcium and over five micrograms of folate
  • Lime juice can help prevent formation of kidney stones. Fresh or from concentrate, lime juice contains more citric acid than orange or grapefruit juice. Citric acid is a natural inhibitor of kidney stones made of crystallized calcium
  • Its high Vitamin C and anti oxidant properties protect eyes from ageing and macular degeneration
  • Lime is famous as a cure for scurvy, the disease which is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C. In olden days, soldiers and sailors were given lime to keep safe from scurvy, which was a dreaded disease then
  • The primary flavonoid found in the limes, known as hesperidin, has been shown to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • A glass of warm water with a full-lime juice in it is an excellent weight reducer as well as a brilliant refresher and anti oxidant drink. The citric acid present in lime is an excellent fat burner
  • Since lime helps heal up ulcers and wounds in the digestive system and excretory system and gives relief from constipation too, it eradicates all the root causes of piles
  • Primarily, the ample of acids present in lime helps clear the excretory system by washing and cleaning off the tracts. Then the roughage in it is also helpful in easing constipation. An overdose of lime juice with salt also acts as an excellent purgative without any side effects, thereby giving relief in constipation
  • In addition to vitamin C, lime contains special compounds called Flavonoids (Limonoids such as Limonin Glucoside) which have anti oxidant, anti carcinogenic, anti biotic and detoxifying properties which help healing of peptic and oral ulcers
  • Lime juice and its oil rejuvenates the skin, keeps it shining, protects it from infections and reduces body odour
  • The high potassium content of limes is very effective in removal of the toxic substances and the precipitates deposited in kidneys, urinary bladder and its disinfectant properties help cure infections in the urinary system
  • Lime contain limonene, this phytochemical are potent detoxifiers with anti-biotic effect that is protective against bacterial poisoning
  • The limonoid compounds in limes have been shown to prevent cancers of the colon, stomach and blood