My Sleeping Child
Sleep is one of the most important part of a baby’s life. It is not only rest time for that little growing body, but it also plays a major part to accommodate growth and overall development of your child. Your…
The best start at the best time – Enrichment Centers & Pre-schools
Enrolling one’s child in an enrichment center or playschool even before they begin walking or talking has been a trend amongst the younger generation of parents today. Are these classes really beneficial for their little ones’ futures or are parents…
Why Babies Need Their Playtime
As they enter their 8th week, babies tend to become more aware of their surroundings and are very much interested in what’s going on around them, although at times they seem more interested in how their own fingers and toes…
Checklist of New Mum & Baby Essentials
As your due date draws near, it will be nice to know that you will have everything you need at hand and not be in want of any important items when you need it. It’s not always easy to ensure…
8 Ways To Increase Your Chance of Conceiving
They may be an array of reasons why a couple fails to conceive after months or years of unprotected sex. If a medical issue is the reason, then understandably, it has to be addressed before proceeding to try and conceive.…
Travelling With Your Baby, Simplified!
Have you gone and scratched off travelling from your year’s agenda because you now have a baby to take care of? Or… perhaps travelling IS in the menu but you are getting more and more worried as the travel date…
Music Education: Why Your Child Needs It
The ability of music to effectively enhance cognitive development is fast becoming a rationale for including music lessons in early learning curriculum. While participating in music activities, children are believed to be enhancing their physical, language, social-emotional, and cognitive development.…
Get to Know Your Baby’s Development (Part 3)
8-9 Months: Brilliant and intelligent Physical Baby’s developing muscles are getting stronger and he is now able to sit up by himself for as long as he wishes to. Your baby will be trying to stand up by himself now…
Get to Know Your Baby’s Development (Part 2)
2-3 Months: Your observant little baby Your baby is now sensitive to his surroundings and is learning while playing. He has some control over his movements and can move his hands at will. He also tends to grasp at objects…
Get To Know Your Baby’s Development (From 0-3 Years)
Up close with your precious little one As a new parent, you’re sure to wonder about your baby and what the months ahead holds for your little one’s development. It will be great to know what to expect so as…