BEST Ergonomic Chair – Ergoworks
BEST Ergonomic Chair Ergonomics: the Key to A Healthier, More Productive Workday Extended desk sitting can have a negative impact on health, but the Ergoworks Truly Perfect Chair offers a premium ergonomic solution. Designed to match your body’s curve, it…
BEST Optical Retail Chain Store – Focus Point
BEST Optical Retail Chain Store Your One-Stop centre for VISION CARE NEEDS in Malaysia Focus Point is the largest optical retail chain store in Malaysia, with over 180 stores nationwide and more than 230 eye care professionals ready to serve…
BEST Derma Relief Rescue Cream (Dry & Eczema Prone Skin) – Bioshield Sensitive DermaRelief Rescue Cream
BEST Derma Relief Rescue Cream (Dry & Eczema Prone Skin) For that Trouble-Free Skin You’ve Always Yearned for! Isn’t it always the case that we tend to take many things in our lives for granted until we either lose it,…
BEST Derma Relief Lotion (Sensitive Skin) – Bioshield Sensitive DermaRelief Lotion
BEST Derma Relief Lotion (Sensitive Skin) Effective, Lasting Relief for Dry, Irritated Skin Most of us are familiar with the saying, “We should be comfortable in our own skin”. However, many among us are far from feeling that way. In…
BEST Mental Wellness Supplement – VitaHealth CHARGE-UPTM ASHWAGANDHA PLUS
BEST Mental Wellness Supplement 8 Ways to a More Relaxed Mind, Naturally We all wish to live a gratifying life filled with peace and calmness, yet, due to hectic lifestyles and fast-paced living, many among us find ourselves in a…
BEST Gut & Immunity Health Product – Fine Foods First Milking Colostrum
BEST Gut & Immunity Health Product Colostrum: From Immunity to Gut Health and Beyond Colostrum, often referred to as “liquid gold,” is the first milk produced by mammals, including humans, during the initial days after giving birth. While widely recognized…
BEST Lung Health Supplement – Corlive Tygerceps
最佳肺部保健品 为什么“虎乳芝”被誉为稀有国宝 虎乳芝,又称老虎奶、虎奶菇或虎乳灵芝。它属多孔菌科,被归纳为独特且具备多种疗效的药用真菌。 虎乳芝主要分布在不同地区,虎乳芝则只在马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、印尼等热带雨林。马来西亚的原住民称把虎乳芝称为“老虎奶”(Cendawan Susu Rimau),更把传统上用来保健养身的虎乳芝当成是马来西亚的国宝。 以下列出虎乳芝的八大健康疗效为你揭秘,它不止是菌菇那么简单! 提升呼吸道健康 虎乳芝不止能缓解哮喘症状,还能止咳平喘,改善呼吸道以及鼻敏感的症状。 免疫力调节作用 虎乳芝菌核的多醣体是非常良好的免疫调节物质,能引发身体产生先天免疫细胞,加强身体对于病毒防御力,使身体更好地抵抗疾病。 抗病毒 虎乳芝菌核含多醣体,能引发身体产生先天免疫细胞如巨噬细胞、NK细胞和T淋巴细胞,加强身体对病毒的防御力。 抗氧化 其抗氧化特性有助于减缓体内的氧化应激活动,避免自由基对细胞的损伤。 抗炎作用 具有抗炎特性,能有效防止发炎细胞恶化,修复受损组织以及细胞的代谢功能,可以减轻炎症症状和不适,提升肺部和呼吸道系统功能。 肠道健康 虎乳芝菌核中不被肠道消化吸收的碳水化合物能促进肠道中双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium longum)和短乳杆菌(Lactobacillus brevis)滋生,从而具备开发潜能成为肠道护理的益生素。 神经刺激作用 研究报告指出,虎乳芝菌核的萃取液含有类似神经生长因子(NGF)的物质,能增强神经发展的活性。 抗肿瘤 虎乳芝菌核的多糖具备显著的抗肿瘤机制,对人类白血病细胞系、乳腺癌细胞、人体肺癌细胞系具有显著的杀伤力。 提升“肺”一般的健康水平 虎乳芝是历史悠久的民间治病药方,近年来研发温室培植技术之后,更引起学术界与业界的研究兴趣。Fine Foods品牌深入钻研虎乳芝的疗效,经多年研发推出Corlive Tygerceps保健饮,结合了传统草木精粹,有助于提升“肺”一般的健康水平。 Corlive Tygerceps保健饮由3种经科学验证的有效成分制成,分别是LiGNO TM02® 有机虎乳芝 (250mg)、虫草精华萃取 (100mg)和Angel Yeast® 酵母β-葡聚糖 (100mg),给予您三重防护效益!独创中西秘方堪称是强强组合的“强肺王者”,拥有着深根蒂固的强肺和改善呼吸道疗效,并有助于增强免疫力,而且还为大马人民的整体健康和活力质量带来了显著的提升。 | FineFoods4Health | finefoodsmy
BEST Cough & Cold Supplement – Corlive Tygerberry
BEST Cough & Cold Supplement 12 All-Natural Tips for Fast Cold & Cough Relief As the cold season sweeps in, bringing with it the dreaded flus and coughs, many of us seek relief beyond the pharmacy shelves. Nature has provided…
BEST Family Probiotics Supplement – A.B. Adult Gold Pre & Pro and A.B. Junior Pre & Pro
BEST Family Probiotics Supplement Go Beyond Gut Health: Intelligently Formulated for You and Your Family with Clinically Tested Probiotics and Prebiotic In the hidden world of our digestive system, a thriving community of microorganisms works synergistically and in harmony to…
BEST Semi Permanent Eyebrow Makeup – Empro
BEST Semi Permanent Eyebrow Makeup EMPRO Hassle-free Semi Permanent Eyebrow Makeup Empro is a popular choice for semi-permanent eyebrow makeup because of their experienced and skilled artists, as well as their wide range of colors and styles to choose from.…