BEST Healthy Apparels – SkinTect™️
BEST Healthy Apparels Using is Believing: Wellness You Can Feel from Head to Toe! Most of us tend to turn to our professional healthcare providers for our health and medical needs, especially when we fall ill and so on. As…
BEST Energy Boosting Apparels – SkinTect™️
BEST Energy Boosting Apparels Feel Alive and Energised! We are all exposed to the harmful influence of positive ions caused by electromagnetic waves which are known to wreak havoc on the human body. They are capable of causing fatigue, brain…
BEST Anti-viral Protection Apparels – SkinTect™️
BEST Anti-viral Protection Apparels Quality and Innovation that Speak for Itself Other than to protect our modesty as humans, our clothing and apparel are also expected to protect us from the weather, the cold, the wind, the heat of the…
BEST Extract Bazhen – 养阴八珍 Wing Foong Bazhen
最佳浓缩八珍 专注女性健康的高倍浓缩即饮八珍 永峰中医研发的永峰养阴八珍是女性健康的新升级,特别针对调理女性生理期不适问题,如经痛、不准时、量少、血块多、手脚冰凉等,由内而外温和调养身体,助你早日摆脱生理期的不舒服! 小小一包拥有高浓缩精华,集合11种优质药材熬煮提炼制成,滋补而不燥热,口感不仅大人小孩都接受,而且小小一包撕开即饮超方便! 很多人怕八珍汤喝起来又苦又上火,为了改善这种问题,永峰中医的资深中医师团队下苦功钻研调配出 “ 全马唯一不上火八珍配方”的永峰养阴八珍,特别添加了麦门冬和地骨皮,甘甜顺口又好喝,温和滋补又不燥热,不仅适合女性虚弱体质,就连易上火体质液很适合,甚至不容易受补的人也能放心饮用。关键是,它完全不苦,而是带有甘甜的味道,口感不仅大人小孩都接受。 创立于2003年的永峰中医,以药起家、以医兴业,经过20年的接续奋斗,从传统药材店一步步转型成为现代化的专业中医诊所,努力为广大人民群众提供个性化、精准化、专业化的中医药健康服务。如今已分别在吉隆坡市和雪兰莪州开设了两家门市,并凭借其杰出表现和优良口碑,荣膺2017年杰出中医新秀奖。永峰养阴八珍采用即饮便携包装,无需熬煮或加热,撕开即饮超方便,因此荣获Natural Health 颁发最佳即饮八珍汤奖项。 永峰养阴八珍不愧是女人经期后的养生滋补之选,有助于舒缓经痛、月经量少、月经不规律、宫寒、荷尔蒙失调等等,已帮助超过1873位顾客解决长期经痛困扰。更棒的是,永峰养阴八珍坚决不加入防腐剂、人造色素或添加剂,同时具备GMP、HACCP、MeSTI、SGS官方认证以及清真HALAL认证,品质值得信赖。 | WF.TCM | wing.foong.tcm
BEST One Touch Vacuum Bottle – Peacock Malaysia
BEST One Touch Vacuum Bottle Everybody Needs One! With today’s widespread awareness of plastic wastes and its severe consequences to our planet, we rightly feel grateful for the invention of insulated products such as the flask or vacuum bottle. It…
BEST Fish Collagen (Powder) – Nutribear Essential Collagen
BEST Fish Collagen (Powder) Bare Your Natural Beauty and Wellbeing with Nutribear Each and every one of us desires to have that unmistakable glow that radiates from within, and feel our best too in every way, which we know can…
BEST Prebiotic Fiber Drinks – Nuetraa Fiber D+
BEST Prebiotic Fiber Drinks Fiber 101: 6 Fascinating Facts About Fiber & Why It’s Good for You 1. There are two main types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance that slows…
BEST Natural Menopause Supplement (Plant-Based) – M+ Balance
Suplemen Menopaus Semula Jadi TERBAIK (Berasaskan Tumbuhan) Diet Menopaus: Apa yang Perlu Dimakan dan Apa yang Perlu Dielakkan Menopaus adalah fasa semula jadi dalam kehidupan setiap wanita, yang menandakan berakhirnya tahun reproduktifnya. Ia biasanya berlaku pada lewat umur 40-an atau…
BEST Pets Supplement (Probiotics) – Max & Paw Prebiotic & Probiotic Powder Supplement
BEST Pets Supplement (Probiotics) Max & Paw Prebiotic & Probiotic Powder Supplement: Improve Your Pet’s Digestive Health and Overall Well-Being Pets, much like humans, require a healthy digestive system to function properly and lead a long and healthy life. A…
BEST Natural Women’s Health Care Supplement (Plant-Based)
BEST Natural Women’s Health Care Supplement (Plant-Based) 10 Herbs and Plant Extracts that Help Keep Women in their Best Health As women go through all the different stages of their lives, they will inevitably find that their bodies need specific…