Outdoor play is an essential component of childhood development. It’s fascinating to observe children in their natural habitats, exploring their surroundings, being intrigued about what they see, and delighting in new experiences. They will always want to run about the park, dig and dump sand in the sandbox, and climb up and down the slide as children. It’s unfortunate that children are spending less time outside.

Children can learn a lot from playing outside, according to studies, from increased spatial identification to just comprehending environmental tendencies. Simple things like watching the leaves change colour, running and leaping in rain puddles, and watching the flowers blossom in the spring may make a huge difference. It is crucial to the overall growth and learning of a child.

The Reggio Emilia approach recognises the importance of the child’s environment in his or her whole development. Odyssey the Global Preschool is housed in a large, purpose-built facility that promotes learning and excitement. The atelier, outdoor playground, music garden, water play area, and tiny chef lab here have all been meticulously created to satisfy the requirements of tactile, aural, and visual learners. Children are instilled with a passion for learning through a variety of experiences and multi-sensory lessons. There are a variety of activities that are both simple to arrange and effective in keeping your child occupied during the holidays. At Odyssey the Global Preschool, they plan various activities for their students every day to improve their fine motor skills as well as keep them engaged.

Not to mention that gross motor abilities are crucial for a child’s development. It helps in the growth of their large and small muscles, as well as their confidence in their posture and body. Gross motor activities for preschoolers should be a big part of your child’s routine because they assist create the foundation abilities for learning. Here are a few exercises for your kids from Odyssey the Global Preschool that will help them strengthen their gross motor skills while also burning a lot of energy.

Getting lost in a maze of alphabets. You only need chalk and a sidewalk or driveway to keep your child occupied for a long time. On the road, make a grid design and write alphabets in it. Then just say a word and urge your youngster to spell it by leaping from one box to the next. This is a fun game in which you can also join and burn calories. It enables a variety of gross motor skills, letter identification, name practises, spelling practises, and other types of practice. Make your own rules by being creative.

Another activity is pretending to be a baby animal. Baby animals are cute, and so is your kid. You can write down the names of several baby animals and place them in a bowl in this game. Tell your child to choose one and imitate that animal. It’s a fun movement game that will improve your child’s animal knowledge. The game may be played with any number of children, requires no time to set up, and is beneficial in developing listening skills and teaching children to follow directions, in addition to encouraging physical activity. And you’ll burn a lot of energy!

Providing for young children’s outdoor play demands is a difficult and time-consuming endeavour. A number of aspects must be considered, including young children’s diverse play demands, supervision, and safety. However, because our children are having fewer and fewer opportunities to explore nature, run, roll, climb, and swing, and because outdoor play is an important part of growing up, we must come up with a range of ways to give meaningful outdoor play experiences for them. Odyssey the Global Preschool prioritises the learning of skills and concepts that will prepare children for formal schooling in either a national or international setting.

Odyssey the Worldwide Preschool is dedicated to offering a global preschool education through the utilisation of Singapore’s preschool standards and the integration of the International Curriculum. The Learner Profile, the spine of the International Curriculum, actively supports the development of EQ and IQ skills in students and teachers, as well as a respectful culture. The Learner Profile is essential for raising children who are global citizens with the skills to live and study as responsible global citizens.

Odyssey The Global Preschool has emerged as the winner in three categories in the recent BabyTalk Readers’ Choice Awards 2021, namely Outdoors Learning Experience, Early Years Curriculum & Integrated Education Centre.

For more information, please visit their website Facebook and  Instagram page.