Jaserie Bamboo Deep Sleep Blankets
The Bamboo Deep Sleep Blanket by Jaserie is a revolution in sleep. Here’s why:
The top grade blanket is made from high-quality 100% breathable bamboo fabric on the outside, so it feels luxuriously soft and silky. The inside of the blanket is made with 100% polyester cushioning and two extra layers of polyester.
When it’s cold outside, a warm blanket can make all the difference. But did you know that the Bamboo Deep Sleep Blanket also helps you stay cool on warm, humid nights? The Bamboo Deep Sleep Blanket has these properties due to the flexibility of bamboo, retaining moisture or releasing heat based on the body’s temperature, allowing for a more soothing, deeper, and peaceful sleep! It’s also hypoallergenic.
But wait, there’s more.
The Bamboo Deep Sleep Blanket is also uniformly loaded with small, lead-free glass beads, lending the blanket its weight of around 7kg, replicating a therapeutic procedure known as deep pressure stimulation. The beads are uniformly dispersed throughout the blanket and sewn within a 10cm x 10cm quilt, resulting in an evenly felt pressure all over the blanket, leading to a calmer nervous system, which in turn fixes your mood for a sound, peaceful sleep. The small glass beads also play a part in controlling the temperature of the blanket based on its surroundings. In case you’re wondering, the beads won’t pour out since the blanket has a 7-layer structure that is flawlessly stitched together, holding the tiny glass beads within.
Users may be confident that the Bamboo Deep Sleep Blanket is devoid of dangerous materials because it is Oeko-Tex certified.
The Bamboo Deep Sleep Blanket costs RM520.
Combine Your Bamboo Deep Sleep Blanket with the Ideal Sleep Companion
Deep Sleep Pillow
Introducing Jaserie’s very first product, the Deep Sleep Pillow!
The Deep Sleep Pillow is made of memory foam, or Supportive Polyurethane Foam, and can fit to the shape of the head and neck to decrease rotation, improve breathing, and give great pressure relief.
The pillow has various critical zones with important purposes, including the spinal realignment zone, shoulder relief zones, and head relaxation zone, to assure optimal comfort and improve sleep quality. You’ll find that whatever discomforts you had previously, such as headaches, neck and shoulder pain, will fade with time, and you’ll wake up refreshed and ready to face the day!
The Deep Sleep Pillow comes with the custom-made Jaserie’s pillow cover. The inside fabric of the pillow cover absorbs moisture and allows for airflow, ensuring optimal comfort while sleeping.
People with allergies can use the Deep Sleep Pillow since it is hypoallergenic. It also has antibacterial qualities that suppress the growth of bacteria, mould, mildew, and other potentially harmful germs.
Get your own Deep Sleep Pillow now for just RM168.
The Story Behind Jaserie
Jasper & Valerie
Jaserie… The name has an emotional and touching tale behind it. It is the story of Jasper, the founder of Jaserie, and his love and empathy for his significant other, Valerie.
Valerie, an entrepreneur, is a go-getter who is constantly on the go. Her stress level increased as her business developed, resulting in restless evenings, which finally led to sleeplessness. Valerie had a tight neck, shoulder discomfort, and a chronic headache. She was waking up all the time to rearrange her pillow in an attempt to feel comfortable, but she was largely unsuccessful. Valerie became irritated and unproductive due to a lack of proper sleep.
Jasper & Valerie = Jaserie
Jasper then made it his personal mission to assist his loved one in getting a better night’s sleep. He remembered this quote: “Anything that makes you more comfortable will increase your chances of having a good night’s sleep.” — Dr. Lawrence Epstein, a sleep expert at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Jasper ultimately discovered that traditional pillows did not offer much to support the neck and shoulders, which is the primary reason why people are frequently deprived of decent sleep. He followed his objective, studying and accumulating more and more information until he was able to build the perfect cushion, which he dubbed the Jaserie Deep Sleep Pillow.
The Jaserie Deep Sleep Cushion’s unique curve shape, located precisely in the centre of the pillow, is what makes it function. It lets the head to rest at the ideal height, relieving stress in the neck, shoulder, and spine.
Valerie slept well every night after Jasper gave her his masterpiece. The discomfort in her neck, shoulders, and even her headache had gone away. She even travels with her Jaserie Deep Sleep Pillow so she can have a good night’s sleep wherever she goes.
The name Jaserie is a combination of Jasper’s and Valerie’s names – Jas + erie – and is a monument to their love for one another as well as their enthusiasm for assisting others in need of the ideal sleep.
In 2021, Jaserie was named Asia Pacific’s Super Health Brand for the Years 2021 – 2023, as well as Asia Pacific’s Top Excellence Brand (e-commerce) for the Years 2021 – 2023, for its remarkable performance and societal benefits in both categories.