Female pattern baldness is an example of androgenic alopecia, which occurs amongst men in general, but many females even complain of this disorder. The emotional upheaval attached to hair-loss causes stress that further activates shedding. ageing, hormonal imbalances, menopause, post-pregnancy and genetic causes are usually the reason for the observation of female pattern baldness. Catalysing these are lifestyle habits we women undertake due to busy home and working lives. As much as we love our body, skin, and hair, we have to admit, it is hard to take particular care towards our best interests.
In order to understand patterned baldness, women need to understand that one hair strand sits in a cavity on your scalp known as a follicle. This cavity sources nutrients to your hair for its constant and healthy growth. Baldness is the result of shrinking of a follicle that acts like a pore. The shrinking leads to shorter and thinner hair. Eventually lack of nutrition and irreversible damage to the follicle terminates growth of hair. Treatments with a dermatologist target this very knowledge, if the follicle is still alive, advancing growth can still be possible.
First things first. The only way to alter the course of rapid hair fall is measurable changes in your habits. Find the ones that are spelling doom in your life, curbing the growth of healthy hair. Apply these in immediate effect to see a lasting change in the way your hair responds to the home remedies given in the succession of this article:
- Throw away hair products that contain alcohol. They steal your long tresses of their natural moisture.
- Hair styling products have the ability to clog the pores on your scalp, resisting hair growth. NEVER apply them directly to your scalp.
- As much as you love curls one day and pokey straight hair the next, be aware! Frequent applications of heating or drying treatments make hair-strands brittle, fragile, and weaker by the day.
- Natural drying is best for your hair, but we understand how hard it gets to manage it. If you love using your dryer, remember to keep moving it around from a safe distance. DO NOT keep it at the same spot for more than just a few seconds.
- Patterned baldness grows eventually with time. Stay true to your female instincts; you know your body needs the best. Completely curtail the use of chemical treatments, hot brushes, hot curlers, or hair fasteners/straighteners and instead give your hair some natural love.
- Your fingers can easily replace a comb with sharp teeth when your hair is drying. Run your soft fingers to untangle the knots.
- Hot water is a perfect relaxant for your body muscles but definitely not your hair. DO NOT use hot water to wash, it aids in drying and irritating the scalp.
No denying that layered cuts adorn your face, make you look twice as beautiful! However, is hair-loss is your recent problem, avoid cutting your hair into layers.
- After washing your hair, it is advisable to wrap it up in a towel and naturally set them to dry. Also never comb wet hair, the follicles weaken over time with this practice, letting hair fall or break very easily.
- Smoking. Alcohol. Antibiotics: No, these are not natural to your body; they hinder and reduce blood flow as well as overall health. Avoid them as much as you can.
Having applied and altered a few habitual ways, here are some home remedies one can easily find to curb rapid hair-fall. Nevertheless, you need to remember that natural processes are slow but effective, they show results over-time and remain intact within your system. Staying true to these remedies will help only if followed with diligent effort and grace.
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Mix Egg whites with Extra Virgin Olive oil to moisturise and stimulate hair growth
To boost the natural production of hair the body needs a diet that comprises of good proteins and minerals. Egg whites have proven to be rich in protein of course, but they also contain sulphur, selenium, iron and zinc which are more than essential to stimulate your hair follicles to keep up with the natural process of the hair growth cycle. You can mix egg whites with extra virgin olive oil, proven that is naturally nourishes your hair. Olive oil is a raw moisturiser boasting of high Vitamin E contents, used in many traditional cultures for total skin health. The mixture not only increases blood flow but also transports much needed oxygen supply to hair follicles.
Apply onion juice to your scalp weekly
The very idea of applying pungent juices to your head might be at first a very disgusting or cringing idea, but as they say, most remedies that work do not come in aroma friendly, good-looking packages. Those ones actually work for real though. Onions increase collagen content in your body that in turn helps production of healthy skin cells. This is because onions, packed with sulphur, stimulate the production of collagen. The lack of collagen in the body, results in loss of precious hair. Application of onion juice will open up the pores of your hair follicles resulting in healthy growth of hair.
Keep your diet very, very rich in proteins!
Your hair contains keratin, a protein that gives way to newer hair strands keeping them strong and long. A protein rich diet will ensure the simulation of keratin. Include eggs, lean white meat, soy, yogurt, curd, and loads of nuts in your grocery list. Mixing proteins with Vitamin C will prove to be a very good idea as, your body needs adequate proteins to absorb protein intake.
Include herbal juices to rinse you off toxins
Horsetail and liquorice roots act as anti-allergen and anti-inflammatory respectively. Stimulate the blood vessels present in your scalp causing anti-viral action to promote healthy growth of hair. Horsetail does it with its abundance in silica as well as aiding to repair damages or breakage, strengthening existing growth, giving it a shiny sheath. Mix horsetail or liquorice roots with water, apply, and leave for a minimum of an hour. A liquorice root prevents and reverses chemical damage of hair by treating dandruff and healing infections on the scalp.