No matter how much effort you make in keeping your face looking fabulous and youthful, it may not amount to much if your neck still gives your true age away, just like that! Women generally tend to ‘forget’ that the skin on their neck matters too when it comes to anti-aging care, for it’s one of the first places to show signs of aging. It is more prone to dry skin and wrinkles than any other part of the body!
Gentle Exfoliation Is Crucial And Here’s Why
Exfoliating the skin helps to slough away dull, dead skin that otherwise tends to adhere to the surface of your neck, making it look older, drier and more wrinkled than it is. Hence, it can be said that it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The important thing to remember here is to not overdo it -gentle is the way to go, for the skin on your neck is, after all, very thin and vulnerable to dryness. Don’t exfoliate too often either – just once or twice a week will do. Exfoliation also helps make it easier for the skin to absorb moisturizers and sunscreen.
Watch That Posture
What an era we live in today, isn’t it? We all seem to be slaves to our handphones, never imagining that it could be leading us straight to a list of health issues like neck pain, back issues, bad posture, etc. And, that’s just the health part of it. Constantly looking down at our phone are also making our jowls and neck sag! So, try either resisting the urge to have your eyes glued to your phones for long periods of time, or, bring the phone up to your eye level to prevent further stress and sagging to your neck.
Never Forgo Moisturising Your Neck
It’s easy to forget about your neck when you’re applying your daily moisturising product on your face, especially when you’re in a hurry, but this is one of the main reasons why your neck ends up giving away your otherwise ‘youthful’ secrets! Get into the habit of dutifully moisturising your neck as well as your chest each time you work on your face. It’s worth mentioning here that if your daily moisturizer doesn’t include some sun protection (at least SPF 15), it’s time to do so, for UV damage plays a big role in premature aging these days.
If you still feel that your neck could do with some extra care, by all means, go for a cream or serum specially formulated for the neck.
Sleep The Right Way
Sleeping on the side or on your tummy is comfy, isn’t it? For some, those are the main sleeping positions to be in each night! However, if you’re serious about addressing your sagging neck, you really can’t afford to ignore the fact that sleeping on your back could minimize wrinkles on your face, neck, and chest. And what’s more, it may, to some extand, also keep your breasts from further sagging.
A wrinkled neck draws more attention than the young, fresh look you may have on your face, and that’s a shame, isn’t it? You can still remedy it though, if you remember to keep including it in your beauty regime and take all the suggested steps mentioned earlier, and stick to them!