A newborn baby has the most delicate skin imaginable. While parents no doubt will always have the best intentions in skin care for their babies, ingredients found in many baby products even, may cause irritation, dryness, chafing, and rashes. Great care must be taken to protect your baby from uncomfortable skin problems.
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Less is more!
There is undoubtedly nothing more adorable than a clean, sweet-smelling baby, but resist the urge to bathe your baby frequently. Frequent bathing removes the natural oils that protect baby’s skin and leaves it vulnerable. A vulnerable skin surface in turn reacts easily to any potential allergen.
To bathe or not to bathe?
Except for drool and dirty diapers, newborns don’t get very dirty. For the first month or so, a sponge bath two or three times a week will keep your baby clean enough. In between, simply clean baby’s face and diaper area with a little water and a washcloth. Note: Don’t give your baby a bath until the umbilical cord has fallen off.
Here’s how to bathe your baby:
- Fill the tub with two to three inches of warm water. To be sure the water is the right temperature, test it first with your elbow.
- Put the washcloth, soap and shampoo close by so you will not have to move away from the tub. Also, lay out baby’s diaper and clothes where you can easily reach them after the bath.
- Wash baby’s face gently with a wet washcloth. Use a wet cotton ball or soft washcloth to clean your baby’s eyes and face. Wipe from the inside of each eye to the outside.
- Soap up the washcloth (use a gentle, no-tears baby soap or wash) and clean your baby’s body from top to bottom and front to back. Make sure you clean inside all of the little folds.
- Wash the diaper area last with clean water.
Washing baby’s hair:
- Fill a cup with water to wet baby’s hair. Put a small amount of shampoo onto baby’s scalp and rub in a gentle circular motion. Keep your baby’s head tilted back so the shampoo doesn’t run into the eyes.
- Fill the cup again with clean water to rinse your baby’s hair.
- When lifting your baby out of the bath, support the bottom with one hand and the head and neck with the other.
Tips on caring for baby’s hair
- Avoid washing your baby’s hair every day. Aim for a quick shampoo when you bathe your baby, which doesn’t need to be more often than a couple of times a week.
- Be gentle when you massage a tearless baby shampoo into your baby’s scalp. A too-brisk scalp massage can stress hair follicles and cause unnecessary hair loss or breakage.
- Comb your baby’s hair with a soft-bristle brush or a wide-toothed comb that won’t snag on tangles.
- Avoid headbands or ponytails that pull your baby’s hair back too tightly.
Cradle Cap
If your baby seems to have developed some flaky, red patches of skin on the scalp, it’s called cradle cap. It’s not a big concern and is easy to treat.
Here’s how:
- Before a bath, massage a few drops of olive oil or trusted baby oil into your baby’s scalp to loosen the dry skin.
- Gently rub the oil into your baby’s scalp with a soft brush or washcloth to release the flakes.
- Wash baby’s hair with a gentle baby shampoo.
Cutting baby’s nails
Baby’s fingernails grow very quickly, so to avoid scratches, file or cut the nails about twice a week. You may use a baby scissors or a baby nail clipper, whichever one you’re most comfortable with. Here are some tips to make cutting nails easier:
Cut nails after a bath, when they’re softer. Sometimes it helps to trim a baby’s nails when the baby is asleep and relaxed. If you use scissors or a nail clipper, press the skin under the nail down so you can get to the nail more easily. It may help to have your partner hold the baby’s hand steady the first few times so you can concentrate on cutting.
Trim fingernails following the natural curve of the nail. Cut toenails straight across.
Moisturize & massage!
More often than not, an infant’s skin is dry and can even have patches of eczema in some areas. Moisturizing your baby’s skin helps to keep it healthy and soft. So, after bath time, gently dry baby off with a soft towel and apply a gentle baby moisturizer all over. Why not give your little one a soothing baby massage? You can do this with baby oil. Massaging is a great way for you to bond with your little bundle of joy!
Washing baby’s clothing
For the first few months, it’s recommended that you wash your infant’s clothes separately from yours in a detergent that is gentle and specially formulated to be free of harsh chemicals and dyes. This helps to keep baby’s skin free from contact with substances like perfumes and harsh chemicals that can be found in most detergents.