Figs leaves have healing properties too. Decoction of fig leaves can help patients with diabetes reduce the amount of insulin intake. The natural sugars in figs make them an ideal snack for diabetics
Figs (Ficus carica) are the fruit of the ficus tree, which is part of the mulberry family (Moraceae). One of the world’s oldest trees, the fig tree can be traced back to the earliest historical documents and features prominently in the Bible. Figs are native to the Middle East and Mediterranean.
- Excellent for building red blood cells, which help carry oxygen throughout the body
- Tryptophan in figs induces good sleep and helps get rid of sleep disorders such as insomnia
- Coumarin content of the figs may reduce the risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer
- Figs have traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac
- Potassium, Omega 3 and Omega 6 in fig fruit helps to maintain blood pressure and coronary heart attacks
- The soluble fibre found in figs called pectin helps in reducing blood cholesterol
- Rich in dietary fibre, which makes them very effective for weight loss programme
- Dried figs contain high levels of phenol antioxidants, which help fight against the damage caused by free radicals
- Rich in calcium – an excellent alternative for people who are allergic to dairy products
- Helpful for treating chronic constipation because of its laxative effect. Also effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids cure
- Being high in alkaline content, figs curb acid levels in the body
- Can reduce fatigue, improve brain memory and prevent anemia
- Calcium and potassium in figs prevent bone thinning (osteoporosis) and helps to increase bone density
- Due to its high water content, mashed figs act as an excellent skin cleanser and help in preventing and curing acne