Atopic eczema is a common skin condition experienced by many young children. Proper care is necessary to ensure that a child with eczema is kept comfortable and also to avoid unnecessary flare-ups.

We talked to Dr Dr. Khairul Zaman Omar, Consultant Paediatrician Columbia Asia Hospital, Setapak and asked him for some clarifications on some frequently asked questions on atopic eczema.

SKW: At what age does atopic eczema appear?

Dr Khairul: Eczema can develop at any age. Some babies may get it as early as a week old and others may get it when they’re a little older. It may develop in adults too.

SKW: Why do some children get atopic eczema and some don’t?

Dr Khairul: It is an allergy disease / atopy disease. Hence children with family history of allergy in the parents or siblings may have a much higher risk of developing eczema. However, children with no family history of allergy disease may still develop eczema.

SKW: Can eczema be prevented?

Dr Khairul: You can attempt to prevent eczema before it is manifested by avoiding known allergens such as:

  • dust
  • heat
  • chemicals in baby bath product
  • certain baby formulas
  • cow’s milk

SKW: Where in the body does it usually appear?

Dr Khairul: Common sites for eczema are as follows:

a. Face, especially cheek and behind ear lobes

b. Scalp (known as seborrhea)

c. At the trunk and nappy area caused by application of “topical ointment for heat”

d. Neck flexures

e. Arm flexures (cubital fossa)

f. Flexures behind the knee (popliteal fossa)

SKW: Will children outgrow this skin issue?

Dr Khairul: It will depend on their family history. Some children will outgrow but some will not; ie if parents have eczema until now, then the child would manifest a similar clinical picture.

SKW: Does atopic eczema cause any serious health issue?

Dr Khairul: At the most, it may cause skin infection (cellulitis) but otherwise, it’s self-containing.