Money a little tight? Spending on dermatology for consultation and expensive products are not listed on your monthly budget? And you hardly have time to visit a spa? We feel you. You are not the only one who struggles to find the time to book in for regular facials and don’t even start about being able to afford it even if you could.

From now on, you don’t need those expensive regular facials at the spa. The secret for a glowing, smooth and supple skin is as close as your kitchen! You can pamper yourself with these simple trusted natural homemade face masks. Don’t worry, all these ingredients are lurking inside your kitchen cupboard or maybe at the back of the fridge. A cheap trick with the same benefits and outstanding result!

Dewy and free from any acne is the skin goal for all women. There’s a way to get rid those stubborn acne by using simple ingredients that you can find in your kitchen pantry to make face masks.

You need:

  • Egg white
  • Turmeric powder
  • Facial sponge

Mix egg white and turmeric together in a bowl.  Gently apply the mixture on your face using a facial sponge. Egg white is great for tightening and toning skin. It works wonder for oily skin as it tightens large pores, thus reducing excess sebum. Large pores are potential breeding grounds for bacteria that cause bulbous zits.

Egg white also contains an ingredient known as lysozyme, an enzyme that kills acne-causing bacteria by digesting their cell walls. Once the egg white shrinking the large pores on the skin, turmeric will help in reducing dark spots caused by acne and evens out discolorations. This face mask only cost you not more than 50 cents!

Smooth and supple skin

Sensitive skin is easily breakout due to polluted air, food and skincare products and even make-ups. The skin prone to have red spots and acne. You have tried so many skincare products but it’s still happening. Let’s put a stop to this problem. Go to your kitchen and find these ingredients.

You need:

  • Rice flour / glutinous rice flour
  • Tamarind
  • Water

Mix a spoon of rice flour or glutinous rice flour together with tamarind. Pour some water and makes sure you discard the tamarind seeds. Mix all together well and apply on your skin. Wait until the mask dry, and you can wash your face with lukewarm water.

Rice flour has been used as a natural beauty aid by Asian women. It’s natural anti aging and oil absorbent agent that is good for oily or acne-prone and dull mature skin. Rice flour also is a good anti-inflammatory agent and lighten the skin to make skin smooth and fairer naturally. Tamarind works well with rice flour as it can prevent acne due to its huge quantities of tartaric acid.

Smooth and silky baby face

Why nobody shares this tips before? This face mask is absolutely the best tips ever! You will fall in love with the result. Your skin will be as smooth and silky as baby skin and you can’t stop from adoring your own skin. After first apply, you will notice the dark spot and scar will slowly diminish, leaving a dewy and fairer skin.

You need:

  • Milk
  • Rice flour

Blend rice flour until it becomes fine. Mix both ingredients all together in a mixing bowl. Make sure it’s not too thick or watery. Mix until the texture just nice to apply as a face mask. Leave it overnight in the fridge and apply on your skin. Let it dry for a couple of minutes and rinse with water. This mixture can be last up to a week.

Milk soothes sunburn with the help of anti-inflammatory. It moistures and repairs skin. It will restore the natural moisture of your skin, improve its elasticity and leave your skin smooth and supple and make it looks dewy and glowing.

DIY face masks for all skin types

1. Rejuvenation treatment

Combination of coffee and honey is a good combination. Honey moisturizes and nourishes the skin and therefore reduces blemishes. To do so, mix a tablespoon of finely ground coffee beans with two tablespoons of raw honey. Spread the mixture on your face as a face mask and leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.

2. For a clear skin overnight

Tomato cools the skin and neutralizes the skin and leaves it soft and supple. To do so, you just need two ingredients, milk and tomato juice. Mix well both ingredients and apply on your skin before you sleep. You will wake up with a fresh and healthy skin on the next morning!

3. Removing blackheads

Do you notice those small bumps that appear on your skin? Blackheads appear due to clogged hair follicles. Blackheads are a mild type of acne that usually attack the “T- zone” of your face. You can remove them by mixing honey and lemon juice. The presence of acid in lemon juice is a natural bleacher that can help lighten your skin and remove dark spots.

As lemon juice is acidic, it may irritate your skin. Hence, you need to use raw honey to prevent the irritation. Simply rub the area that has blackheads in a circular motion using your fingers. Do it gently and make sure you apply moisturizer after doing so.

4. Oily skin stopper

If you have oily skin, you can try this homemade face mask. Aloe vera and turmeric are voted as beauty remedies since primal times. Aloe vera has the potent power to enhance the beauty of the skin and also consider as a powerful medicinal plant. This face mask cleanses your skin pores and brings glow to your skin.

5. For healthy skin

Keep your skin hydrating and repairing itself while you sleep by applying coconut oil. To make face mask, you can mix coconut oil and turmeric powder and apply it gently on your face. Coconut oil can help in making your skin face healthy and fresh. If you are prone to acne or oily skin, consider adding a few drops of coconut oil on your moisturizer.