Diets are almost like fashion; they come and create much buzz among fans. Then within a short period of time, they vanish and are replaced with newer diets. With that in mind, along with the boggling number of new diets concocted by nutrition experts, here are the best 14 diets designed to boost weight loss.

Paleo diet

The paleo diet, also known as the caveman diet, simply means you are going back into the Paleolithic era to eat whatever a caveman can find! Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, seeds – they are all included in the diet. Instead, you will be removing processed foods from your menu.

Foods allowed: fish, grass-fed animal meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, nuts, seeds

Foods to avoid: refined sugar, refined salt, processed oils, dairy products, grains, legumes, potatoes

Pros: You no longer have to count the calories! The same amount of calorie contributed by a packet of French fries do not work the same way as an equal amount of calories from eating fruits and veggies. Eliminating processed foods has its pro right here.

Cons: You have a lot to avoid – practically everything prepared at your favourite fast food chain and diner is not allowed in a paleo diet. Your regular energy source – pasta, cereals, rice – no longer contributes to your diet. A paleo diet will restrict carbs intake, and you can only regain it back thru consuming meats, but animals now are unlike ancient times as they have more fats (and probably more antibiotics).

Who: If you are in for rebuilding your body, this is the fitness diet plan for you. If you work out, sustain yourself with adequate energy intake via meats, other than consuming high amount of fruits and veggies.

Raw food diet

A raw food diet is not necessarily requiring you to eat everything raw. A balanced diet comes from a 75% raw diet, and in order to keep up with such massive transformation, you would have to do it step-by-step by personalising your diet plan – first by including cooked foods you are likely to consume in your diet.

Foods encouraged: fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, vegetables, coconut butter, eggs, fish, meats, unpasteurised dairy products.

Foods to avoid: food heated above 115o F or 46oC, refined sugar, alcohol, caffeine.

Pros: You’ll be able to have a balanced amount of carbs, proteins, nutrients intake.

Cons: Some people eat raw but do nothing to incorporate their least preferred foods such as nuts and beans into their diet which result in a low protein intake. Raw food diet also cost more than a diet that includes processed food. Besides, unpasteurised dairy products would be harmful to those with weak immune system as they carry dangerous bacteria.

Who: Taking up a raw food diet requires much perseverance. It’s more of a lifestyle than just a temporary decision to slim down. Consult first with a dietician or nutritionist to plan out the right diet for your lifestyle. If you are planning to turn vegan, a raw food diet is the most appropriate plan for you.

Flexitarian diet

The Flexitarian diet involves losing weight with a vegetarian diet, but you don’t have to give up completely on meat. This diet encourages eaters to downsize on their meat intake. The diet plan is balanced by a protein intake of 50 grams a day. Flexitarians usually avoid consuming red meat.

Foods allowed: fruits, grains, vegetables, meat, fish, beans, tofu, lentils, eggs, yogurts

Foods to avoid: refined salt

Pros: A cut on meat intake will benefit the dieter with reduced weight, lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer compared to other people who maintain a regular diet. It is very flexible to be personalised into a full vegetarian diet, gluten-free diet or a halal diet.

Cons: It may be difficult to be followed by people who dislike vegetables. Most meals will have to be prepared at home.

Who: Suitable for people who cannot accept a full vegetarian diet but are willing to give up most portion of meat intake for healthy weight loss.

3-Hour diet

This diet plan involves eating every three hours in small portions. The developer of this diet, Jorge Cruise, believes that eating so will increase the metabolic rate of the body. Those who chose to follow this diet can eat anything they want, as long as they control the calorie intake and discipline themselves on the timing.

Pros: There’s basically no restriction over what you eat, but you have to make sure you get all four foods on your plate – carbs, proteins, fats in the smallest portion, and fruit and vegetables.

Cons: One has to be disciplined on such diet. You have to eat breakfast at 7am, which is within one hour of rising, then eat a meal for every 3 hours after the breakfast. You also must stop eating 3 hours before bed. But since you are not on any restrictions, this diet doesn’t guarantee to contribute to your health.

Who: Whoever wants to stick to their Mars bars and still loses weight.

Atkins diet

The Atkins diet concentrates on eliminating simple carbs while emphasising lean protein intake as well as low-starch vegetables that constitute a low glycaemic index diet. Its aim is to lower blood sugar level for body to burn fats as an energy source.

Food allowed: whole grains, fruits, vegetables.

Food to avoid: processed foods, flour, sugar, alcohol.

Pros: Low carbs diet has been proven as an effective way to lose weight.

Cons: The diet is paired with undesirable side effects. It is not a balanced diet as it eliminates the need of carbs and consists of high fats.

Who: If you are concerned of your blood sugar levels, the Atkins diet is for you.

South Beach diet

It is a variation of the Atkins diet that focuses on heart protection. One will eat just enough to satisfy hunger and no more than that. Rice, potatoes, beets and corn are off the menu as they are sugar-rich. This diet includes 3 phases, each introducing different levels of carbs until you reach your desired weight.

Food allowed: foods with low glycaemic index and low saturated fat content, non-fat dairy products.

Food to avoid: different according to phases; cereals, rice, pasta, fruit, bread, carrot, corn, alcohol, desserts, pastries

Pros: A research shows individuals reach their desired weight within three months. This diet requires one to have a balanced food intake, which makes it healthy.

Cons: Phase 1 of the diet which contains mainly water diet (milk, yogurt and buttermilk) but eliminates carbs can cause an imbalance in body’s electrolyte.

Who: Those who are determined to take carbs off their diet and are deemed fit by a dietician.

Weight Watchers diet

This diet focuses on filling healthy foods in every meal. It works on the basis of a point system which indicates how long your body has to work to burn the calories off. Foods with high points have to be eaten in small portions, these foods are usually processed foods. Fruits and vegetables, on the contrary, carry zero points. This is to encourage those who follow the diet to eat more as most people do not have enough of them daily.

Food allowed: fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals.

Food to avoid: processed foods, alcohol.

Pros: The diet claims to help one throw off 2 pounds weekly. It is convenient to follow. It is said to be the most effective to help reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Cons: It is costly. It requires one to be registered as a member and if you go to meetings, it cost money. But having a programme to follow on helps to discipline and motivate oneself.

Who: If you want to eat healthy without having to eliminate any food and willing to pay, this diet is for you.

Blood type diet

The diet plan encourages dieters to eat the right food for their blood type. The wrong food is said to have ill effects on the body. Eating the right food will help maintain one’s health while being able to shed off weight more easily. Each blood type comes with different food restrictions. Blood group O should consume a high protein diet with less grains; blood group A should emphasise on eating veggies and avoiding red meats; blood group B is said to be able to thrive on dairy products but has to avoid wheat and corn; blood group AB should avoid meat and poultry while eat more seafood, tofu and dairy products. Each blood group also has its own advised type of exercises.

Pros: The diet customises one’s diet according to his blood type since everyone is different when it comes to dieting. Most of the diet plans eliminate bread, cereals, dairy products or fish.

Cons: While there is no caloric restriction, one isn’t going to effectively lose weight too. You will only be able to lose weight if you restrict your calorie intake.

Who: For those who would like to be healthier and lower disease risk besides losing weight.

Fat flush diet

This diet concentrates on detoxifying and losing weight through a low carbs diet and drinking of cranberry juice throughout the diet. This diet also contains 3 phases which are divided into the detox phase, weight loss phase and a lifestyle phase. Exercises are incorporated into each phase.

Food allowed: vegetables, fruits, fish, healthy oils

Food to avoid: refined sugar, alcohol, unhealthy oils, fats

Pros: The detox diet promises to help to lose weight around the waist, hips and thighs by cleansing your organs.

Cons: The detox phase may not be suitable for all as it contains a very low calorie amount, which will hinder one from doing a long exercise.

Who: If you want to boost your metabolism while lowering water retention, this weight loss plan can be suited for you.

Low glycaemic index diet

This diet aids one to monitor his blood sugar levels by consuming low GI foods such as whole grains, low-fat dairy products, certain fruits, and vegetables. GI also has to do with the preparation method of a food. If you are on a low GI diet, it will help you to feel full for a longer period and certainly reduces the temptation to snack.

Food allowed: breads, cereals, oats, grains, beans, dairy products, nuts, seeds, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, apples, coconut, oranges.

Food to avoid: flakes, sweet pastries, syrup, crackers, white rice, French fries, potatoes

Pros: Low GI food reduces the desire to eat more. You can lose weight by eating healthy.

Cons: Low GI diet is not scientifically proven to be effective in losing weight. GI can also vary based on ripeness of fruit and cooking time.

Who: Those who have difficultly following a low carbs diet.