BEST Child Insurance Plan – PRUMy Child Plus

BEST Child Insurance Plan

The Plan that Prioritises A Child’s Future

Way back in 2010, Malaysian families breathed a huge sigh of relief when Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (PAMB) offered the first pregnancy and infancy periods insurance plan via PRUMy Child Plus. This outstanding product was further enhanced in early 2023 and launched as PRUMy Child Plus, an all-inclusive prenatal insurance plan covering a mother and her baby from a tender 13 weeks gestation. Now the top choice in our Malaysian market for parents and parents-to-be, this award-winning plan protects a child right into adulthood, growing with them up to the age of 100 years.

Mothers-to-be need not worry about inadequate coverage during this delicate period of their lives, as PRUMy Child Plus offers insurance protection for 9 pregnancy complications with up to RM8,000 lump sum pay-out. Furthermore, the plan is the first in the market to offer a payout of up to RM8,000 as support for mother and baby in case of an early delivery before 36 weeks via C-section. It is also the first to provide a coverage with up to RM50,000 yearly payout till seven years of age should the child need hospitalisation or treatment for 27 listed congenital conditions and any structural congenital conditions.

As a multi-award winning insurance brand, Prudential also supports therapy sessions later on should a child be diagnosed with developmental disorders including autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), with a yearly support of up to RM8,000 until the child turns seven, to ensure that the child receives the crucial therapies needed for their well-being and for a better quality of life.

PRUMy Child Plus offers three plan variants to cater for customers’ needs and affordability, all inclusive of medical coverage that is guaranteed to auto-increase every year alongside critical illness coverage and basic plan.

In addition to the comprehensive coverage provided by PRUMy Child Plus, parents can consider saving for their child’s education fund with the PRUSaver Kid rider, and consider ensuring their child’s future is secured in case of emergencies with the Parent Payor rider.



每一个孩子都是家里的宝贝,父母都总是想要将最好的送给他们,确保孩子的身心健康成长。马来西亚保诚保险有限公司(Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad,简称保诚保险)自2010年推出了市场首创PRUMy Child Plus 保险方案后,让许多马来西亚有孩子的家庭可以更安心。

保诚保险在2023年推出了PRUMy Child Plus保险方案,从怀孕13周开始便可为母亲及婴孩提供保障,直到孩子100岁。如今,这项卓越优质的产前保险方案已成为马来西亚众多家长和准父母的首选。

最重要一点在于PRUMy Child Plus涵盖9种妊娠并发症,并给予高达8千令吉的一次性理赔,让准妈妈在关键孕期无需担忧自己和宝宝的健康保障。此外,此保险方案是大马保险市场上首个为36周前需通过剖腹方式提前分娩的孕妇提供高达8千令吉的理赔,为准妈妈和宝宝提供全面的保障;并且它还是第一个为患有任何27种先天性疾病及任何结构性先天性疾病而需要住院或接受治疗的孩子,提供每年高达5万令吉理赔的保险方案,直至孩子年满7岁为止。


PRUMy Child Plus提供3种类型保单,以满足不同顾客的需求和支付能力。所有保单都提供逐年增长的高额医疗保障,并包含危疾保障和基本保障。除了这些全面保障外,父母还可以考虑添加PRUSaver Kid附加保险来储蓄孩子的教育基金,亦可通过 Parent Payor附加保险为孩子未雨绸缪,确保孩子在父母遭遇不测时也能获得全面的保障。 | prudentialmalaysia | prudentialmalaysia