While genetics do play a role to some extent when it comes to how a person ages, it’s not something that you need to surrender to. There are a number of clever steps you can take to delay the signs of aging. The most prominent sign of aging skin is no doubt, the formation of wrinkles. Follow these steps and keep them away!


Your Eyesight Matters And Here’s Why
The delicate and vulnerable skin around your eyes is considerably thinner than anywhere else on your face. It’s also one of the first places to from wrinkles. Deep lines at the outer corners of the eyes, known as crow’s feet, are actually exacerbated by unconscious frowning or squinting, which are in turn linked to poor eyesight. If you find yourself squinting to see better, do your eyes (and the skin around them) a favour by having them addressed with a visit to the eye doctor. You may need glasses or contact lenses to see clearly, and to avoid further squinting!


Take Sun Protection Seriously
To many, premature ageing may have seemed unavoidable. However, it has been found that most people whose skin has aged prematurely have experienced over-exposure to sunlight, or rather, the harmful UV rays of the sun. Signs of aging may not even show up until years afterwards, which makes it worse if you don’t know that it’s slowly causing you to age prematurely. To avoid this, or prevent it from getting worse, start using a good sun protection product today – one with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15. Use it everyday as a routine before stepping outdoors. It will be even better if you have a product with a higher SPF for hotter days.

Be Wary Of Sugar
Whether we realise it or not, our diets count as a factor when it comes to the health and beauty of our skin. One skin-harming culprit to look out for is sugar. It’s not an easy one, for sugar is everywhere and seems to be present in so many foods! Consuming too much sugar is directly linked to aging skin and here’s how: When blood sugar levels are high, a process called glycation occurs, damaging the collagen in your skin. Once damaged, the collagen hardens, leading to wrinkles and sagging. To avoid this, simply take the initiative to properly check the sugar content of products (read: scrutinise the labels), and cut down on sugary foods such as cookies, doughnuts, etc, especially as you get older.

Eat More Skin Nourishing Foods
Your skin needs proper nourishment to stay strong, healthy and wrinkle-free. A diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids will help! Omega-3 fatty acids help to keep skin supple and nourished from within, preventing dehydration and dryness, while antioxidants help fight against the free radicals that cause wrinkles. If your diet lacks foods like oily fish, flax seeds and antioxidant-rich berries, it’s time to incorporate them in it. Spinach is also a good addition, for it’s a rich source of lutein. Research has shown that lutein can help in preventing wrinkles by retaining the skin’s moisture and elasticity, increasing lipid levels and preventing damage caused by free radicals.

Stop Smoking
The fact that smoking is dangerous to your health is not new news, Cigarettes are not only notoriously bad for our health and a major cause of cancer and heart disease, but they can also be disastrous for your skin as well. Smoking causes damage to our skin cells and deprive it of oxygen and nutrients. The repeated act of pursing the lips while smoking is also a factor, for it accelerates the formation of wrinkles around the mouth area. If you’re a smoker looking to improve the appearance of your skin, you know what to do! Stump out those ciggies and make an effort to break that habit – the sooner the better!

Drink up!
In order to keep your skin supple and smooth, it is essential to keep it hydrated both inside and out. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain your skin’s moisture levels, and eat foods such as fruit and vegetables which have a high water content. To moisturise the skin from the outside, use a moisturiser suitable for your skin type or hydrating oils such as vitamin E, avocado or almond oil. Also, it may be worth getting a humidifier to counteract the drying effects of central heating and air conditioning.

Less Stress, Less Wrinkles
Who would have thought that what’s going on in your mind could affect your skin, but that really is the case, especially when it comes to wrinkles. In fact, a study has shown that chronic stress can actually accelerate cellular ageing, leading to wrinkles. To help keep your skin wrinkle-free, manage your stress levels well. Any way you can!