Detoxification, or detox, is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. While not scientifically proven to remove any toxins from the human body, many people claim feeling more focused and energetic during and after detox. Are their claims real or just imaginary? We got Esther Peh, a Naturopath and Nutritional Therapist who practises at Spectrum Of Life (SOL), an integrative wellness centre in Kuala Lumpur to answer some common questions on detox.
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What is a toxin?
Any substance that causes irritating and harmful effects to the body, undermines health and stresses out biochemical or organ functions. When the body is unable to eliminate excess toxins, a wide range of health problems can arise: headaches, fatigue, pains, coughs, gastrointestinal problems, immune weaknesses and psychological distress.
A toxin is a compound that can harm the structure of function of body cells and tissues. Toxins can come from the external environment (alcohol, tobacco, pesticides, heavy metals such as lead and mercury, food additives, oral contraceptives and drugs). The body, during its normal functioning, forms by-products that could have toxic effects if the body does not neutralise them. These toxins which come through metabolism are internally produced.
What is detoxification or detox?
The process of clearing toxins from the body, neutralising, or transforming them. Detoxification clears excess mucuos and congestion from the body. Detoxification involves dietary and lifestyles changes that reduces one’s intake of toxins while improving elimination. This involves avoiding chemicals from food (such as refined food, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and drugs), drinking more purified water and increasing fibre intake (through fruits and vegetables).
Who are encouraged to detox?
Almost everyone should! Detoxifying becomes even more important for those who keep a diet that is high in fats, meats, dairy products, refined foods and chemical. This is also true for those who eat excessively at night. Those who have frequent constipation, a tired, lethargic or sluggish body, dark circles under the eyes, have eczema, dry skin, acne or skin rashes, rarely exercise and smoke and drink alcohol should go for a detox. When your car is not running smoothly, you would give it a service. Detoxification is the same, it gives your body a “service and a tune up.”
What are some effective types of detox that I can choose from?
There are various kinds of detox plan for body cleansing which concentrate on different problem areas of the body. Therefore a detox programme may consist of a special diet, nutritional supplements, herbs, colon enema/hydrotherapy, exercise, breathing techniques and/or infrared sauna.
Top three common ways to detox:
#1. Detox diet:
A detox diet strengthens the organs of elimination: the skin, intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys and lymphatic system. It comprises of fresh vegetables and fruit, probably organic.
During and after detoxification, you may cleanse and nourish your body with:
Chorella and Spirulina
Chlorella and spirulina, two amazing superfoods, are actually pond scum that grow in fresh water. Chlorella is a round, single cell organism rich in chlorophyll that contains 20 vitamins and minerals and all of the essential amino acids. Spirulina is a spiral, multi-cell organism that is also rich in chlorophyll, and it contains 18 vitamins and minerals, 8 amino acids, and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Both of these superfoods are high in protein and antioxidants. Both do a remarkable job of absorbing heavy metals and other toxins. They are so good at absorbing metals, it is vital to purchase your chlorella and spirulina from a trusted source to ensure you do not buy product that has absorbed heavy metals from the environment where it was grown.
Probiotics is the “friendly bacteria” that stay in our gut. It can defend our body from the pathogenic species of bacteria, by detoxifying toxic chemicals and making valuable vitamins (mainly B vitamins). Taking probiotics with locally cultured LAB & BB human species gives a better bacteria implantation in the gastrointestinal tract. It can help in the detox plan and repopulating the gut with good bacteria after a cleanse
Minerals are the key nutrient for all metabolic functions; vitamins alone without minerals are of not much use. Supplementing with natural minerals during detoxification aids the body to heal and regenerate.
It contains more than 50 nutrients and is regarded very highly in Ayurvedic medicine. Make sure the honey is pure and comes in a glass bottle or jar. Honey with refined sugar should be avoided during detoxification.
Onions and garlic
Rich in sulphur- containing compounds. Onions and garlic are involved in sulfation, the main detoxification pathway for environmental chemicals and certain drugs and food additives.
They also help with elimination of harmful heavy metals from the body.
#2: Colon enema/hydrotherapy
Enemas are therapies that involve introducing water into the colon through to rectum in order to cleanse the colon. The therapy cleanses the lower part of the colon, the sigmoid and part of the descending colon to relieve constipation or for bowel cleansing. There are many types of enemas, such as lemon, yoghurt, coffee, plain warm water and olive oil. Each serves different purposes. It is advisable to seek for professional advice before you administer one at home.
#3 Infrared Sauna
The infrared ray is the natural radiant heat emitted by the sun without the harmful UV ray. It gently heats the body from within instead of heating the air and is able to penetrate the surface of the skin, giving your body overall radiant warmth.
Benefits of Concentrated Infrared Sauna:
Detoxifies your body 7 times better than a traditional sauna, composing as much as 20% of toxins and it is a more effective detoxification on heavy metals, urea, lactic acid, etc.
- Has the capability to penetrate the deep tissues that produces sweat
- Blood pressure reduction
- Improves blood circulation
- Pain relief
- Wound healing
- Improves cell health and aid in related issues
- Skin rejuvenation and purification
- Weight loss
- Total relaxation
What is the right time to start a detox?
Anytime when you are ready or when your body starts showing symptoms which suggest that it’s in need of a detox. Though these warning signs varies from one person to another. Some face mood swings and unpleasant attitude quite frequently when they have toxin build up in the human body while others may have constipation, frequent headaches, joint pain, lack of appetite, weakness, lethargy etc. Increasing body weight is another symptom which is commonly associated with individuals who have substantial toxin build-up in the body.
Should one seek advice from my doctor before starting a detox and cleanse?
Yes! If you already have a medical complaints, on long term medication, or you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding, please seek for your doctor advice before commencing on any detox programme. Should you have any concerns or queries, please tell your doctor your intention to improve your health conditions through other qualified health practitioners.
What if I want to detox and cleanse my body, but I do not want to lose any weight?
If you drink nothing but juice for a week, you’ll lose weight, but it’s because you’re not eating, not because your body is “detoxing”. Water is stored in your muscles with glycogen. When you eat a low calorie diet, you use up those glycogen stores, and lose the water weight with it. You’ll gain that water weight right back when you return to your normal diet. You’re also missing out on all those other vital nutrients like fat, fibre, and protein.
If you don’t want to lose weight then you can support your liver by giving it the nutrients it needs and by reducing foods that are hard for the liver to deal with. Foods that are particularly good for your liver include: artichokes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, garlic, leeks and onions. Brightly coloured fruits such as berries, grapes, lemons, pineapples, apricots and grapefruit are also very good foods to incorporate into a detox.
Try to limit foods that are hard for the liver to deal with such as sugar and refined foods such as white bread. Also, maybe obvious, but try to cut out or reduce alcohol intake. In order not to lose weight, replace any processed foods you have with wholegrain options such as granary bread, brown rice and wholegrain porridge oats.
How often should one detox?
The answer to this question is as varied as the many different types of detoxification programmes and cleanses that are available. I believe that in deciding how often you should do a detox should be based on your individual choice and lifestyle. It should also be based on what your health goals are and whether or not you do a “mini detox” at other times.
Many people choose to detox once or twice a year for a lengthy period of time, others may choose to do a short detox such as one to three days of juicing, water fasting, or the very popular master cleanse either once a week, once a month, or once every couple of months. Some also choose some sort of programme if they’ve recently undergone a major change to their body. My personal belief is that it is good to do a detoxification programme at least twice per year. However, it doesn’t matter what length of time or how often you decide to do a detoxification programme; you are still reaping great benefits from doing so. The bottom line is to simply listen to your body.
Is it okay to exercise and detox?
Yes it is fine. I would advise exercise like, yoga, walking, certain breathing techniques do help to flush out toxins more effectively from your body. It also helps to promote positive thinking, release tension and stress and later calms your mind. It also improves overall sense of health and wellbeing.
What’re the indicators to know when a detox is working?
The reactions vary for individuals. Common healing crisis can include:
- Mild headaches – caused by your body learning to live without chemicals such as alcohol, sugar and caffeine. These usually appear on day 2 or 3 of the detox programme and can last for up to 24 hours.
- The appearance of spots on your skin – drinking plenty of water will help.
- Increased bowel movement is normal and a sign that your body is cleaning itself.
- A furry tongue is a sure sign that the body is removing toxins, halitosis, strong body sweat odour.
Lull in energy during the first few days as your body adjusts to less instant energy food.