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BEST Legacy Insurance Plan
You Deserve to Know that Your Legacy is Protected for Your Family’s Future!
From saving for our children’s education, to keeping aside funds to care for our elderly parents, and even building a nest egg for our own future, and all else in between – the importance of planning for our family’s long-term financial stability so as to prevent stressful monetary worries in the future cannot be over-emphasized!
No one truly knows what the future holds, and none of us can prevent a sudden loss of income due to the death of a breadwinner in the family. We can, however, cushion the blow of unfortunate events brought about by death, or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) with Prudential’s PRUWealth Enrich. It is the ultimate, award-winning insurance plan that enables breadwinners to protect their monetary legacy for their loved ones, so that they can carry on with dignity and stability. With personalised solutions according to individual needs, this investment-linked insurance plan provides high coverage and reliable protection.
PRUWealth Enrich offers high coverage from RM300,000 basic sum assured with affordable premium so individuals can start planning at a younger age when their career is taking off to make the most out of the plan’s benefits. In addition, the plan includes complimentary increasing coverage up to 50 per cent, meaning that you get more protection as you stay with the plan. Importantly, the plan offers up to 500 per cent coverage for accidental death, so your loved ones’ futures are secured for the long term when unfortunate circumstances occur. With Loyalty Booster and Loyalty Bonus available to boost the cash value, PRUWealth Enrich stands as a strong choice in safeguarding your legacy for your precious family’s future.
从为孩子储备教育基金,到赡养年迈的父母,甚至为自己日后预留资金,提前做好财务规划的重要性不言而喻 – 它能让我们从容面对突发状况。
没有人能预测不可获知的未来,也没有人可以阻止意外与悲剧的发生。但是,我们可以透过保诚保险推出的 PRUWealth Enrich 传承方案,缓解意外死亡或完全及永久性全残(TPD)带来的致命打击。
作为一项屡获殊荣的终极传承方案,PRUWealth Enrich 守护且妥善保障您的家人与资产,确保他们能在未知的未来中自信地生活。它是一项具伸缩性的投资联结保险计划,可特别为您量身打造个性化解决方案,最大化增值您的保障与财富。
此外,PRUWealth Enrich 以实惠的保费,提供从基本保额30万令吉起的高额保障,让人们能够趁着年轻、职业生涯起步之际开始财务规划,以充分享受该计划的各项福利。此计划还包括高达50%的加额保障,意味着投保人可长期享有增值保障。
最重要的是,此传承保单提供高达500%的意外死亡保障,因此当不幸事件发生时,您挚爱至亲将可得到长期保障。PRUWealth Enrich 也提供 Loyalty Booster 和 Loyalty Bonus提升您的现金价值,让您获得更好的利益。
总的来说,PRUWealth Enrich是您守护家族传承与资产安全的最佳首选。 | prudentialmalaysia | prudentialmalaysia