Biogreen Organic Green Balance Powder a nature’s finest medicine, keeps the doctor away. Wheatgrass is said to be the nature’s finest medicine and is fast becoming one of the most widely used supplemental health foods. With the combination benefits of organic barley grass, Biogreen Green Balance contains 120 types of nutrients and a variety of vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, active enzymes and antioxidant to benefits its consumer.

Recommend to all ages especially athletes, busy working groups, people staying up late, indulge in excess alcohol and those who dislike vegetable or patients. (Low blood pressure patients advice to consume after meal)


(2 Reviews)

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这个 麦草粉是之前那里的推销员介绍给我妈妈冲来喝的,他的味道不是那么的好喝也没有什么糖的成分在里面的是对身体很好的,可以增加我们的身体的维生素,矿物质,叶绿素的。

Good for health

I super love the benefit of organic wheatgrass and organic barley grass with the right proportion. This is not only to maximize the nutritional effect, yet to make it balance the inner of me. Therefore it is more effective for the body absorption. Besides that, BioGreen Organic Green Balance is similar to dark green vegetables. Loaded with natural vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes that feed my cells and help rid them of toxins

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