BIOBAY Complesure Plus contains HMB, which an active metabolite of leucine that reduces muscle protein breakdown and improves physical strength. In athletes where muscle tissue is damaged (causing soreness), repaired and built more frequently through training, it stands to reason that we need more HMB. Lots of research has now shown that supplementing the diet with HMB improves exercise performance by supporting muscle cell repair and adaptation. It has been shown to speed strength and muscle mass gains in strength athletes, and improve endurance performance in cyclists and runners.
HMB is one of the most researched supplement ingredients proven to improve athletic performance right behind Creatine Monohydrate. It is a patented product that must be sold under license from MTI Biotech in Iowa. It is well regulated and products that have their licensing information on the label will be of very high quality and fully tested.
HBAY Complesure Plus contains 3 sources of dietary fibre: Soluble corn fibre from Sweden, oat-based beta glucan and galacto-oligosaccarides (GOS) to help restore body strength and vitality.
It supplies a lot of the daily nutrients needed for optimum health, including calcium for strong bones and lutein for healthy vision. This dairy product is especially suitable for those who live a hectic life, lack of exercises, women and elderlies.
Elderly loves the taste and regain their vitality!
However, we can see a positive improvement on the aspect of their vitality, energy level and overall health after they consume this milk along 14 days. They have better energy, focusing less bone pain to complete their favourite hobby such as gardening and baking.
We are glad our adorable and active parents is coming back, they are ready for more quality time to spend with us during weekend and school holiday with kids! Thanks Biobay For such a superior milk to bring my parent's health back and they are on their second tin now!
Good for the family
Complesure Plus + Complete Balanced Nutritional Drink Terbaik
sedap dan berkhasiat
Susu yang penuh dengan khasiat
Thick and tasty Complete Meal
Penuh dengan vitamin dan minerals..
Biobay Compresure Plus
Lesu semakin cergas
suitable for working adults and elders
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