Bubbles Postpartum Waistband
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Description: The breathable materials make the waistband suitable towear in hot weather Tone and reshape body figure after delivery Modern and hassle free method to a slimmerwaist Size: M,L,XL,XXL,XXXL
NR Bengkung
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Description: Bengkung is synonymous with mother’s confinement … because her advantages are various and also facilitates mummy-mummy confinement. – HIGH QUALITY NATURAL FABRICS – PELEKAT VELCRO MESRA TANDAS – FREE SIZE FUTURE BODY – OLD HANDS HELP TO CHILDHOOD 3 4…
Jamu Jelita Korset Langsing Berherba
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Description: Helps to make ‘PUSH UP’ impact in turn to make breasts more tense, elastic, and well positioned and comfortable Helps prevent fat from flowing to the back Helps increase metabolism, prevents bloating and prevents fractures in the skin especially in…