Novalac Hydranova
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Description: Descriptions Novalac Hydranova is a solute that orally provides water, minerals and long chain carbohydrates in adequate quantities in case of dehydration. Novalac Hydranova is recommended in the management of acute diarrhea and/or moderate dehydration in infants, children and adults.…
BiO-LiFE Colostrum + Multivitamins & Minerals
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Description: Colostrum + Multivitamins & Minerals is made of colostrum from USA with combination of vitamins and minerals to provide complete nutrients and protection for growing kids who do not get enough vitamins and minerals from their daily diet.
Eskayvie i-Qids
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Description: I-QIDS, kaya dengan segala nutrien yang diperlukan untuk tumbesaran otak kanak-kanak. Dengan rasa coklat yang lazat, setiap paket dipenuhi dengan manfaat yang cukup sempurna.
Appeton A-Z Kid’s Vitamin C
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Description: Descriptions Chewable tablets in square shapes with engraved alphabetical design. Comes in orange, blackcurrant and strawberry flavours. Contains no saccharin.
Herbs of Gold DHA 125 + EPA
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Description: Herbs of Gold DHA 125 + EPA is derived from tuna oil to supplement your growing kids with a healthy daily dose of DHA. Supports healthy brain and eye development Tuna oil in natural triglyceride (TG) form In easy chewable…
Centrum Flavor Burst Kids (Grape & Blue Raspberry)
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Description: Delicious, easy to take chewable multivitamin with nutrients to help support growth and development
Champs M Chewable Multivitamin Strawberry Tab 100’S
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Description: Product details of Champs M Chewable Multivitamin Strawberry Tab 100’S Multivitamins have been shown to improve nutrient status, particularly for those at risk for deficiencies such as people with type II diabetes mellitus, those with a poor diet, and the…
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Description: Today, parents are aware of the health risk of chemicals, pesticides, synthetics hormons and the use of antibiotic in lifestock. Organic food is the natural healthier choice. ORGANIC BONMIL is certified organic by AsureQuality, New Zealand and contains no chemical,…
HappyBaby Organic Alphabet Snacks – Multigrain, Cinnamon, Sweet Potato with Flaxseed
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Description: Product Information Our tasty cinnamon and sweet potato Super Smart multi-grain alphabet snacks spell out ‘goodness’. Made with wholesome ingredients—organic buckwheat flour, flax seeds, real sweet potatoes and a touch of cinnamon—these multi-grain toddler snacks deliver 160 mg of Omega…
HappyBaby Organic Puffs – Purple Carrot & Blueberry
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Description: Product Information Dusted with purple carrot and blueberry powders, enriched with vitamins and minerals, and lightly sweetened with real fruit juice concentrate, our puffs melt in Baby’s mouth and encourage self feeding. They may buy Mom and Dad some quiet…