Verdure Healthcare
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Description: 坐月双宝:女人下半辈子的健康,就靠产后100天! 一般人都知道,小宝宝满月,意即小宝宝出生满1个月,身体应较为强壮,可以出来见人了。而产后妈妈满月就分为大小满月,小满月即生产后1个月,大满月既是生产后100天。也就是说,产后妈妈身体的恢复一般需要3个月以上。产后妈妈仍可以持续进补至脾胃肝肾都壮实为止。孕育医疗顾问中心(Verdure Healthcare)诚意推出“坐月双宝”,由25种中药配制而成,让上班族妈妈在满月后忙于繁忙的工作之余,可以继续调理身体,补充所需的营养,让身体复原得更完善。 俗话说:月子坐的好,老来没烦恼。如果产后妈妈的月子坐不好,未能调理好身体,可能会出现月子病或生产后遗症,包括了容易腰酸背痛、乳房下垂、脸上长斑、内分泌不调而导致患上许多妇科病、容易脸上憔悴、疲劳和产后肥胖等,甚至提早进入更年期!采用VHC独家配方配制的“坐月双宝”——产后养血汤、产后补肾汤,有效帮助产后妈妈调理子宫、脾胃以及养血补气,起到消炎止痛、强心安神的作用,还可以防子宫下垂、调节荷尔蒙、修复卵巢功能,甚至是消除肥胖等。 想要产后获得充足的调理,“坐月双宝”就是聪明的妈妈们首选!除了有2罐坐月双宝保健食品,无需妈妈烹煮,方便冲泡即饮,让你轻松坐月、元气满满~此外,额外送上的《坐月宝典CD》,内含28个汤料食谱、16个食疗,还有12个穴位按摩法教你做,产后恢复So Easy!
Medicas Genomics – DNA Test
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Description: DNA Testing for Assurance Medicas Genomics has gained recognition for offering complete genetic testing with actionable personalized solution encompassing the most numbers pf genetic markers, genes and traits. To dispel the guesswork, a simple saliva test will offer blueprint outline…
Verdure Healthcare – NiPT and Genetic Counselling Service
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Description: Verdure Healthcare, a leading Fertility Specialist Consultancy in Asia in Malaysia, provides a range of screenings and tests to help couples who are starting their pregnancy journey. One of the most essential tests for expecting mothers would be the NiPT…
Little B House Infants Medicine Feeding Syringe
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Description: The circular aperture design of the syringe handle easy to fixed finger and control the medicines dose Soft nozzle and round safety shield are safe for baby The capacity scale display help to easy observe the amount of medicine The…
VHC Formula Male
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Description: Helping To Make Fatherhood A Reality Infertility can affect men just as severely as it does women. It could be due to a few factors, but it always concerns a man’s sperm cell. A low sperm count is the main…
BabySight – BEST New Born Eye Screening Services
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Description: BabySight Sdn Bhd serves to help prevent blindness or detect eye conditions amongst newborns by screening soonest. Newborn eye screening is gaining traction worldwide, with BabySight pioneering UNEED (Universal Newborn Eye Exam Digital) screening in Malaysia. BabySight also outsources UNEED…
Verdure Healthcare – Fertility Specialist Centre (Kuala Lumpur)
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Description: For couples who can’t conceive, they may turn to IVF as a viable solution. Unfortunately, IVF has only a 15% success rate and can put a serious dent in the wallet. Verdure Healthcare has a much better solution: the Home…
VHC Formula – Female 1 & Female 2
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Description: For A Healthy And Functional Reproductive System Ovarian dysfunction, poor quality eggs, endocrine disorders, and impaired endometrial blood flow are among the main reasons why countless women face fertility issues today. According to clinical research, it is evident that Chinese…
Decode Talent DNA Test Kit
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Description: Decoding your child’s DNA is vital towards an in-depth understanding of his/her in-born abilities, so as to offer the proper environmental influences. Decode Talent DNA Test is a comprehensive and effective genetic testing kit designed especially to analyze a child’s…
Medicas Genomics – DNA Test For Mother
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Description: As a mom, you would do just about anything to make sure your kids grow up healthy and happy with the best opportunities in life. Which is why DNA Test For Mothers by Medicas Genomics is probably the best gift…