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Description: Known as the genius course, Shichida offers small class size of 4-6 children with 1 regular parent to ensure that every kids get the full attention. Classes run for 75 minutes and your kids will be taught sensory concentration ability,…
Hobby Hop in
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Description: Established in November 2011, Hobby Hop In is a child enrichment center that offers many learning courses to children and parents alike. It is a fun place where everyone can have the freedom to explore their interests and build up…
Heart V Brain Training Centre
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Description: Heart V Brain training Centre presents ‘The Best Personality Development Education’. Research has evidenced that the growing kid’s period spanning 2 until 12 years old is vital towards moulding a healthy personality in a child. But alas, this opportunity during…
Ten Toes Academy – Enrichment Licensing Programme
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Description: Ten Toes旭智教育集团秉着全人教育,以人为本的教育理念。除了培育新生代,也希望父母和孩子共同成长。Ten Toes是一所专为3至12岁儿童打造的小学辅助与亲子教育学苑,马来西亚第一个提倡寓教于乐学习体验的教育企业,其课程理念与规划受到芬兰教育的启发,强调创造性和创新的学习体验,激励孩子们成为未来的快乐天才。旭智课后辅助班推出5 E 序自达学习模式,通过循序渐进、自主学习、分享表达的方式,培养孩子21世纪所需技能,包括自学阅读、思考评鉴 表达能力、合作沟通能力、学习聆听尊重和接纳他人的能力。这些都是孩子一生都带得走的能力。 Ten Toes可说是非常有潜力的幼教品牌,拥有完善的加盟商业模式,不仅为商业伙伴量身制定商业转型及宣传方案,并提供专业的师资与管理培训,加盟合作流程简单容易上手,全程扶持轻松经营,带领了不少创业者走上成功之路。目前在全马各地分别有50 间Ten Toes学前班和小学辅助中心,多达 2,500 名学生。
Herowl Brain Training & Learning Center
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Description: Founded by Professor Adler Dickerson, Herowl Brain Training and Learning Center focuses on brain training but in a manner that is not stressful. Instead, programs are fun and interactive, while stimulating the brain. Total brain development is a focus here,…
Shambala Kidz Leadership Pre-School
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Description: Shambala Kidz Leadership Pre-school is the first premium leadership preschool in Malaysia. We provide your child with the necessary & life-changing skills to succeed in 21st century. We aim to train our students to be the future leaders of society.…
Innovate Mental Arithmetic
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Description: INNOVATE is a Leading Brain Development Education Organisation. It has helped thousands of children globally develop a competitive edge when it comes to mastering emotional, logical & critical thinking skills. INNOVATE unique Abacus Mental Arithmetic programme combines with Music and…
TweedleWink Right Brain Kids
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Description: TweedleWink Right Brain Kids employs a teaching style that reaches your child’s natural right-brain receptivity with movement, imagination and playful exercises that enhance your child’s natural desire and love to learn. During the first years of life, your child can…
CLE Enrichment Centre
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Description: CLE Enrichment Centre is not just a language centre, neither are we a tuition centre. We have been present in the supplementary education sector for more than a decade. We are passionate in providing solid literacy foundation for children, and…
Brain-Zone (IQ Development Program)
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Description: Brain-Zone International Children Full Brain IQ Development Program focuses on providing training to children aged 4 to 12 years old. It is our objective to enable them with an effective learning method, to improve their ability to learn with a…