Help with Perimenopause
The “Menopausal Madness” and the brain hormones gushes and dips throughout the menopausal process and affects your brain. Here’s what happens, why, and how to cope. On average, the hormonal transition to menopause begins four years prior to your actual…
Prenatal Iron Deficiency
As humans, one of the vital minerals we need is iron. We use it to make hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to your organs and tissues. During pregnancy, the body has to make extra blood…
How To Hydrate Dry Eyes
Are you at risk for dry eyes? Did you wake up this morning to the sound of your smartphone alarm clock? Most probably, you browsed through your social media newsfeed right after, all this in the first half an hour…
Thyroid Disorders: What You Need to Know
The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck region that is responsible for production of thyroid hormone. The thyroid hormone plays a very important role in regulating and controlling many functions in our body…
Antioxidants = Anti-Aging Skin
When we talk about anti-ageing ingredients, the study is quite clear that antioxidants reign supreme. Not only do they combat the free-radical damage that is responsible for the visible (and hidden) signs of ageing, they also promote the efficiency of…
9 (Un)common Disorders Linked to Hair Loss
Your scalp often plays second fiddle to your hair. Until it starts begging for attention, that is. Hair loss is primarily caused by some infection-related and conditions and infectious agents. With several common conditions, your scalp may itch and get…
Foods For Falling Hair
Whether you are concerned with making your trip to the barbershop, or just starting to see more strands of hair in your shower drain, there are foods that you can eat to help with the prevention of hair loss. Even…
12 Makanan untuk Kesuburan
Bagi pasangan yang merancang untuk hamil, perkara penting yang perlu anda ambil peduli ialah pemakanan anda! Pemakanan sihat yang lengkap dengan nutrisi bakal melahirkan bayi yang sihat dan cerdas. Walau bagaimanapun, harus diingat bahawa bukan hanya isteri sahaja yang perlu…
Are you suffering from female pattern baldness?
Men are not the only ones who go through baldness. Many women can and do also lose their hair. While there is no cure to ending any kind of baldness, recognising the signs and being aware of available treatments can…
Beating Fertility Issues Through Diet
Most couples can’t wait to start a family and will try their best to conceive a baby. However, after trying really hard, charting out ovulation periods and having regular sexual intercourse; many couples are unable to conceive. Over the past…