Fab Abs: 12 Belly Fat Burner Workouts that Work
Tired of having a bulging belly or frustrated with constantly looking bloated? Fortunately, there are workouts that can help you trim those muffin tops and jiggly love handles.
Kidney Transplants Available Again After Covid-19 Hiatus
While the number of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia has been going down recently, it was not too long ago that our healthcare system was in crisis due to the overwhelming number of such patients who required hospitalisation,
Juvenile Arthritis: When Teenagers Get Arthritis
When you hear the word ‘arthritis’, young people rarely come to mind. But did you know that arthritis also happens to children? Children suffering from arthritis can be as young as six months to 16 years old.
Hypertension: A Silent but Deadly Disease – Here’s What You Need to Know
Anyone can have hypertension – even if you generally feel well or do not experience any signs of illness. When symptoms do appear, it is usually severe and life-threatening –
When Your Heart Skips A Beat (And Other Heart-Related Issues)
Forget about all the love songs that say skipping a heartbeat when you find love is romantic. In reality, it’s extremely dangerous to have such an abnormal heart rate. Keep reading to find out why you should never shrug off…
Dermatitis: Psoriasis Types and Treatment
Did you know that it is estimated that up to 500,000 to 800,000 of Malaysians are affected by psoriasis? 85% of our population had experienced some degree of humiliation and discrimination.
Post-Scoliosis Surgery Rehabilitation
In severe cases of scoliosis, surgery may be the only way to prevent the patient’s spinal curvature from getting worse. Spinal fusion surgery, while generally effective,
5 Best Things You Can Do to Keep Your Heart Healthy
Did you know that according to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, heart disease remains the top cause of death in the country, with 16,325 victims making up 15% of medically certified deaths in 2019?
10 Important Blood/Urine Tests
Here are the 10 important blood and urine test to take during health screening: – 1. Full blood count There are many components included in this full blood count. Some important to know are: Hemoglobin, Red blood cells, White blood…
Stroke Awareness: How Being FAST can save lives
A stroke can happen to anyone. Unfortunately, many still believe that they are only susceptible to it as they grow older. Of late, the number of stroke cases in Malaysia have been on the rise,