Getting Inside Your Head – A Brief Guide on Mental Health
Nowadays, we hear a lot about the importance of our mental health. But what exactly does it mean? Today we speak to Dr. Reiko Yeap, a former lecturer at the Division of Psychology, International Medical University (IMU) to learn the…
Let’s Do Yoga – Interviews with Yoga Instructors
Yoga is a 5,000-year-old physical, mental and spiritual practice having its origin in India. What better way to celebrate and explore this ancient practice than to invite you to consider Yoga as part of your health workout. We have handpicked…
Yoga Poses to Relieve Back Pain
Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints out there. Release the tight muscles in your back and alleviate your pain with these simple yet effective yoga poses.
Start Them Young At D Swim Academy
Every child deserves to learn how to swim while having fun in the water. At D Swim Academy (DSA), they get to experience all that and more.
Learning to Love Yoga – Which Type Suits You Best?
Yoga is an art form that stands on the strong pillars of meditation and spirituality achieved through strong physical exercises and synchronised breathing patterns. Born in the ancient Indian subcontinent, it spread across the western world in the early 1980’s…
Why do we get sick?
Is it the germs? Is it the genes? Is it the air pollution? What is it exactly that triggers illness? The question has confounded philosophers and healers since the beginning of time. Some of the answers that have been given…
Armed and Ready – Keeping Your Body’s Defense System in Good Shape
Our human body is guarded from diseases like infections and cancer by the immune system, our natural defense power against disease. If you think of our body as a country, the immune system would be 2 teams of defense –…
Adding Antioxidants to Your Diet
We hear about the process of oxidation in our daily life – apples turning brown and fish becoming rancid in a few hours or days. Oxidation is a natural occurrence which happens to all cells. However, what are the dangers…
It’s Your Life – Why Take a Chance?
A cervical cancer awareness campaign urging women to step up and take charge of their own lives to reduce the risk of the disease
Going Green: How to make compost at home
Composting is an inexpensive, natural process that transforms your kitchen and garden waste into a valuable and nutrient rich food for your garden. It’s easy to make and to use. This guide will show you how to get started and…