Do you feel anxious knowing that a big presentation at work is due soon? Does your heart start to beat faster the moment you are about to make a speech? Does your tummy get upset the night before an examination?

Sometimes a little anxiety helps push you to greater heights. However, your anxiety might lead to a problem when these subtle signs are not controlled. It will develop into major setbacks, for example, getting panic attacks or worse still, develop to become phobias.

But what makes you feel so anxious? What makes examinations so fearful? The answer lies in your subconscious mind. Through the many years of processing and learning, we might have conditioned ourselves to think that examinations are life’s greatest challenge. The results will either make or break you. Or we might even have observed this behaviour from our elders, thus we unconsciously behave this way too. So how do you break out of this belief or behaviour?

Start at the subconscious mind

We know that most of the problems that we face are caused by our conscious mind. Given the chance, our subconscious mind has the ability to sort ourselves out. In our competitive environment and bureaucratic lifestyle, that is highly unlikely now. Therefore in hypnosis, we get in touch with our subconscious mind. Either through self-hypnosis or with the help of a hypnotherapist, you will access the wonderful and relaxed state of hypnosis whereby it creates the opportunity for you to sort out your problems.

In the case of a phobia, your subconscious mind can address your fears where it all manifests. You get to discover the root of the problem and help change your beliefs or behaviour accordingly. These changes happen faster in the subconscious state and hypnosis is the most effective method to help you reach your subconscious level.

Hypnosis is actually a state of mind where you become more focused and attentive. As opposed to the belief that hypnosis is a new concept, it is not! In fact, it is a state you go through without realizing. Have you ever driven in your car, without realizing the turns you made, the cars that you over took or the bill boards that you passed? The next thing you know, you reached your destination safely! That was hypnosis! You focused your attention on arriving safely, while the other things that happened around you was captured by your subconscious mind.

Achieve your desired goals

Hypnosis has over the years gained recognition and is now regarded as a form of therapy within the medical profession. It is used widely by medical, psychiatric and psychological professionals to assist with a wide range of issues.

We utilise this hypnotic state to help you reach your desired goals. The problem solving part of your subconscious mind will be engaged. In actual fact, you are using your own brains to solve your existing problems!

Anxiety is only one of the many issues that a hypnotherapist works with. Hypnosis is also very effective with helping one change undesirable habits and replace it with positive ones. Other common issues in which hypnosis will help in are motivational issues, smoking cessation, goal setting, weight loss, insomnia, phobias, stress management, performance managements and even to help you relax more.

Not only is hypnosis useful for existing issues, it can help you improve your overall well-being. Wouldn’t you enjoy feeling calm and relaxed everyday? When a problem or a crisis crops up, imagine how efficient you will be if you can handle it with a calm mind. Your hypnotherapist will evaluate your needs and work with you to achieve your desired goals.

The whole process of hypnotherapy is a natural and relaxing one. Your hypnotherapist will guide you to focus on the positive and change for the better. Very naturally, you would begin to feel good and confident about yourself.