Why hiking is still a top workout to strengthen body, heart, and mind

Did you know…

  • When you hike, you will have direct experience of nature and ourselves in the nature.
  • Even if, you feel physical fatigue and slight inflammation of untrained muscles after hiking, the benefit far outweighs these little inconveniences. In fact, the fatigue will allow a very good, healthy and deep sleep.
  • You’ll see and learn little known, unusual and beautiful places, plants and animals.
  • You can make a pause while hiking for playing and expressing yourself through the creative land art (art made in the nature using natural material)
  • You will spontaneously feel what it means to be consciously present, focussing attention only on what you currently see, hear, smell or feel.
  • Apart from the obvious benefits for the physical health, fitness, strength, stamina, weight loss, boost circulation and the like, hiking deepens breathing and ventilates lungs that refresh the whole body and all the organs, and intense movement of the diaphragm massages the internal organs and stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

The benefits of hiking and what it does to the hiker

If you try to find a new aerobic exercise, salvation can be found in the hiking. Spending time in the nature and walking in the clean air is an active way of rest, and despite the physical effort, we start to feel a new strength and pleasure. Hiking is an ideal way to maintain and improve mental and physical fitness. It’s a balm for the soul. It has many benefits, relaxes, relieves stress, promotes positive emotions and raises self-esteem. Hiking allows you to make new friendships and to have a positive effect on a social life.

Hiking is kind of an aerobic training. Such training aims to develop, maintain and improve the functional capabilities of the organism, that we call aerobic endurance. It is an ability that allows the long-term implementation of certain activities with a defined intensity before the occurrence of fatigue. It directly affects the efficient operation of cardiovascular, blood and pulmonary system, and achieving positive transformation of the morphological characteristics as a prerequisite for the promotion and preservation of health.

Trained people are compensating the need to increase the amount of oxygen at the expense of depth of breathing, while untrained people increase the frequency of breathing (breathing faster and shallower). Efficient function of cardiovascular and pulmonary system is the basis for an optimal implementation of all physical activities that are essentially aerobic (long duration – moderate intensity work) or anaerobic (short duration – high labor intensity).

Calorie consumption

Although the number of calories that burn during exercising depends on your weight, metabolism and other things, there are average calculations by which you can orient in planning activities. The best way to persist and achieve the desired results is to make the activity a pleasant, fun and such that after it we don’t feel exhausted. This will be achieved by combining in order to avoid boredom and with gradual increasing of condition.

Calories burnt during hiking

  • If weight is around 130 pounds: 413 calories burned hiking per hour
  • If weight is around 155 pounds: 493 calories burned per hour
  • If weight is around 180 pounds: 572 calories burned per hour
  • If weight is around 205 pounds: 651 calories burned per hour

Calories burnt during hiking without a backpack

  • If weight is around 130 pounds: 354 calories burned hiking per hour
  • If weight is around 155 pounds: 422 calories burned per hour
  • If weight is around 180 pounds: 490 calories burned per hour
  • If weight is around 205 pounds: 558 calories burned per hour

Fun Facts:

  • Hiking is a very broad term that isn’t restricted by the rules or ideologies. In organisational terms is an integral part of physical activity which is designed to promote health. It’s the satisfaction of a hiker eager for recreation, natural beauty, wide horizons and new experiences. The hiker has a sense of nature.
  • In hiking physical strain is only an instrument which leads to the spiritual realm, with great complement of the physical and mental experience. In addition, hiking expands and enhances physical ability, resourcefulness, adaptability and the ability for social life (if you train in pair).
  • Hiking isn’t a sport, because there is no competitive struggle, which is an essential feature of every sport. But hiking certainly has some elements of the sport, such as self-discipline, a sense of teamwork and technical knowledge.

How to get started-new hikers

If you aren’t active in some form of the organised sports and recreation, it is best to prepare about a month before starting hiking with the activities like fast walking, jogging or fitness. If you have health problems, before starting with the hiking, be sure to consult with your doctor. Experts believe that before going into the mountains, persons older than 50 years must be sure to do the specialist examination of the heart, while for those above thirty is recommended.

Before embarking on a chosen hiking route, read hiking map well, search for a weather forecast and plan your stay in the countryside. While it would be the best to refrain from picking flowers and other plants, obtain and review the law protected vegetation map of the area so not to come into temptation and to be able to teach eco-insensitive individuals.

Hiking and recreation, doesn’t need to burden your way of walking, your hands should still be at the elbow bent at a right angle and more active than usual, and your journey should be slightly faster than what you’re used to. Before any physical activity you should warm the body before you start hiking, with complete series of stretching exercises and stretching exercises for all muscle groups at least for fifteen to twenty minutes walk before starting hiking.

Equipment to get started

Hiking is an ideal way of relaxation and stress relief. Find out what kind of clothes and shoes and accessories you need to have for a hiking. The underwear should be synthetic and comfortable. The perfect trousers are about of the knee size. They also must be synthetic and elastic (something like material for a swimsuit), because in this way you will be able to move freely, and the sweat will dry out very quickly. A T-shirt should be of the same or similar material. If you can’t get special professional clothing for hiking, the most important is to find a suitable clothes of a sport design, comfortable and made ​​from the natural fibres. When choosing, you may give preference to layered clothing. In addition to the usual clothes, be sure to wear waterproof rain jacket with a hood that is wide enough, that you can pull over backpacks.

Shoes for the hiking are important and can protect us, so they should be solid. They must be of quality and stronger material and anatomically designed to preserve your feet and ankles. Get them exclusively in specialised stores, with the advice of professional sellers. With shoes you should get special socks without seams that you can’t rub. Don’t forget sunglasses and a head cover that will protect you from the sun, which is particularly strong at high altitude.

It’s necessary to bring neither too big nor too small backpack of waterproof material and, preferably, anatomically shaped. You should have a first-aid kit with plasters, bandages for blisters, spray for wounds, bandage for the joints, an anti-sunburn and insect bites, headache tablets, something for the lowering the temperature and the like. In the backpack you should put the knife, flashlight, hiking map, personal documents, mobile phone and, of course, depending on the length of the route, plenty of water and food.

You can customise the speed of walking according to your abilities, and if you’re in the company, follow the speed of the slowest. About every two hours, it’s inevitable to make a short break and treat yourself to a small meal, such as dried or fresh fruit, and about every half an hour a drink. Therefore, take enough of beverages, for example, on a day trip take about 2 liters of beverage.

Enjoy your hike!