Detoxification or simply, detox, refers to the removal of toxins from inside you through a process of resting, cleansing and nourishing the body. Detox is much more than a fad. In fact, this method of cleansing the human body has been practiced in several medical traditions like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine for centuries.
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Why does the body need detoxification?
The human body has a natural detoxification mechanism, whereby its excretory system removes excess and unwanted wastes and toxins with the help of kidneys, lungs, liver, intestine and skin. However, when the functioning of this system is compromised due to diseases, age related deficiencies or other medical problems, the toxins which are not entirely removed, starts affecting the functioning of the body’s organs. In such situations, a detox aids the body’s natural cleansing mechanism to enhance immunity and improve health.
How does detoxification work?
A detox programme helps the body in the following ways:
- Rests the digestive system by reducing the workload of the organs through fasting
- Stimulate the liver to function more effectively to remove body toxins
- Improve waste removal through intestines, skin and kidneys
- Improve blood circulation and metabolism
- Refuel and nourish the body with a healthy diet
Peter Bennett, N.D., who co-authored the book ‘7-Day Detox Miracle’ with Stephen Barrie, N.D., and Sara Faye, says detoxification works because it addresses the needs of individual cells, the smallest units of human life.
How do you know if you need to detoxify?
In Bennett’s opinion, everyone should detoxify at least once a year. However, he cautions against detox for children, nursing mothers and those suffering from cancer, tuberculosis or chronic degenerative diseases. It is of paramount importance that an individual consults a health care practitioner to check and ensure that detoxification is suited for him or her.
Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D., who is the author of Detoxification, believes that detox is critical because the environment is more polluted than it ever was. She recommends detox for those exhibiting symptoms like:
- Unexplained sluggishness, fatigue or feeling of lethargy
- Skin irritation
- Low grade infections
- Bloating
- Allergies
- Puffiness or bags around eyes
- Lack of mental clarity
- Menstrual problems
Starting a detox
The first step towards starting a detox is lightening up the body’s toxin load by avoiding coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, saturated fats and refined sugars. Start using natural alternatives for personal health care products like shampoos, cleansers, face washes, deodorants and toothpastes. Minimise usage of household cleaners with chemical constituents like detergents, aerosols and room fresheners.
The next step is to reduce stress. Although low level stress can be helpful, continuous and higher levels of stress triggers the release of hormones which interfere with the liver’s detoxification processes. Stress can be effectively reduced by following meditation, yoga and qigong. Practicing these techniques will prepare the body physically and mentally to face and cope with the stressful situations of everyday life.
Choosing the right detox programme
Several detox programmes are available today suited for each individual’s needs. Most of the programmes follow a seven-day schedule as the body needs time to cleanse the blood from toxins. Bennet’s 7 day programme starts with 2 days of fasting on liquids followed by a carefully planned 5-day detox diet which gives sufficient rest to the digestive system. On the other hand, Page advises a 3 to 7 day juice fast. During the fast the individual consumes only water and fresh fruit and vegetable juices to help release and remove the toxins.
Some other popular detox diets as suggested by Deborahann Smith of are:
- Simple Fruit and Veggie Detox
- Smoothie Cleanse
- Juice Cleanse
- Sugar Detox
- Hypoallergenic Detox
Maintaining the positive effects of detox
The positive effects of a detoxification programme can be maintained through a healthy diet and good lifestyle practices.
- A fibre rich diet of brown rice, organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables improves digestion.
Some foods which have excellent detoxification properties are cabbage, radishes, beets, artichokes, broccoli, chlorella, seaweed and spirulina. - Vitamin C helps in producing glutathione, which assists the liver in toxin removal.
- Drinking at least 2 quarts (4 cups) of water every day keeps the body hydrated and removes wastes through the skin and kidneys.
- Deep breathe to improve oxygen circulation.
- Practice positive thinking techniques to cope with stress and negative emotions.
- Sweat out the wastes through perspiration by visiting a sauna.
- Practice hydrotherapy. Take a hot shower for five minutes, followed by a cold shower for 30 second. Repeat this thrice and then rest in bed for 30 minutes.
- Toxins can be removed through the skin pores by dry brushing the skin or through detox foot spas/baths. Natural products stores have brushes used for this purpose.
- Exercise daily. Bennet recommends an hour of exercise every day. It can be as simple as jumping rope or yoga.
- Qigong is a martial-arts based exercise system that has exercises specifically for detoxifying or cleansing.
Detox definitely has several health benefits. It is a great way to jump start a healthy lifestyle. However, it is important to know that detox diets can have side effects in some individuals. Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D., says that diets limiting protein or involving long fasts can cause fatigue and deficiencies. Colon cleansing can cause nausea, bloating and vomiting. It is advised to consult a doctor before trying any health treatment and appraise him or her of any serious medical conditions or medications taken.
The information presented here is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling.