EB Fish And Yuba 300g

Product Details

Tags: EBYuba

The flavour and fragrance of its superior bean curd skin make these very exciting premium products unmatchable in the market.

Packing: 30pkt/ctn

  1. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Not too fishy and superb quality

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 17, 2017

    When I first tried this product, I had no idea what brand this was, but after sampling some at a supermarket, I knew I had to get at least one for my family. I love the taste, texture and attractive packaging that it offers. The taste is not too fishy, not too salty and just the right size to serve up with your meals. I also like the fact that this product does not cost much and can be stored in the freezer for some time. Great product overall and would definitely purchase again.

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