Isomax Carbonated Drink

Product Details

ISOMAX “The sports drink” is an isotonic beverage that is targeted at the people active in sports.It is reinforced with Sucrose, Glucose, Ascorbic Acid and Vitamin C to boost your energy levels and helps the body to replenish body fluids lost during strenuous exercise.Its’ isotonic and fine osmolality nature also allows easy absorption of minerals by the body.

  1. leekahseng12
    323 reviews

    new isotonic drinks

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 2, 2017

    tried this before, the taste is mostly like 100 plus but it is more gas than 100 plus.
    The salty level is lower than 100 plus! Not bad!

  2. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    taste like 100 plus

    3 out of 5, reviewed on June 9, 2017

    it taste like 100 plus. another choices for isotonic drinks.

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