Jack n’ Jill C2 Lemon

Product Details

Healthy, refreshing thirst quencher with a tinge of zesty lemon!

  1. ferdizetty37
    491 reviews

    Air teh hijau dengan lemon

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 17, 2017

    Minuman teh hijau dengan gabungan lemon yg mnyegarkan..Saya sgt sukakan air C2 ni..rasanya x terlalu manis,dapat rasa citrus dari lemon dalam air teh hijau C2 ni..Paling penting,harganya mmg lebih rendah berbanding air teh hijau jenama lain..bila diminum ketika cuaca panas,minuman ni mmg mnyejukkan badan saya dgn cepat..mnyegarkan bila diminum sejuk.

  2. fionayyl03
    526 reviews

    Uber delicious

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 17, 2017

    I love this drink! It hails from Vietnam and it sells so cheap especially in 7-Eleven for only RM1+. The taste is really cleansing and pleasing to your palette and pairs especially well after a heavy meal. I would definitely purchase this again and again as the product is really fantastic and up to par. No residue can be seen anywhere at the bottom of the bottle and it just tastes really cool and clean.

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