Karihome Mama Goat Milk

Product Details


Karihome is a premium goat milk formula brand that is fully manufactured & imported from New Zealand. Karihome Mama Goat Milk Formula contains key nutrients required by pregnant and nursing mothers such as folate, calcium and DHA. Goat milk is gentler on the stomach and it provides complete nutrition for mothers and children.


  1. Goat Milk Protein – Easier to be digested compare to cow milk, cleanse and maintain healthy digestion
  2. Folate – Key nutrient for fetal growth. Crucial for brain and nervous system development.
  3. Choline – Stimulate brain development
  4. DHA – Helps in mental development of fetus, also increase the DHA content of breastmilk for nursing mothers
  5. Calcium – Key nutrient for healthy bone development for fetus, also supplement loss calcium for mothers to prevent osteoporosis
  6. Iron – Key component for red blood cell formation, also supplement energy for mothers
  7. Zinc – Helps in ensuring optimal growth of fetus, also improves appetite for mothers
  8. Multivtamins – Stimulate brain and eye development, provide antioxidant, anti-aging properties for mothers


  • UNIQUE BENEFIT 1 – Gentle On Stomach, Easy For Digestion: Formulated with pure goat milk from New Zealand, Karihome goat milk protein is only 1/3 of the size of regular cow milk protein.
  • UNIQUE BENEFIT 2 – Rich In Natural Nutrition: Karihome Mama Goat Milk is formulated with unique manufacturing process. To preserve the natural goodness of goat milk, Karihome Mama Milk is formulated under mild heating process.
  • UNIQUE BENEFIT 3 – Maintain Beautiful Complexion: Goat milk is rich in natural vitamin A, vitamin E and zinc which helps moisturizes and maintain healthy complexion. Goat milk is rich in medium chain fatty acids (MUFA / MCT) which is easier to digest and has lesser calories.

For more information, please visit karihome.com.my.

  1. Happy Rainbow
    12 reviews

    Good milk for mum

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 18, 2023

    After drinking this milk, I no longer face constipation problems. Really good milk for mummies. Recommend for all mummies who finding milk. Good taste and I love it. I will continue this milk until I deliver my baby.

  2. Komathi Jaya
    7 reviews

    Easy to digest

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 15, 2023

    I’ve been using Karihome Mama Goat Milk since I was in my first trimester and I’ve been very happy with it. It’s helped me feel more energized and has given me peace of mind knowing that I’m getting the nutrients I need to support my baby’s development. I especially appreciate that it’s easy to digest and doesn’t cause any nausea or heartburn. I would definitely recommend Karihome Mama Goat Milk to other pregnant women looking for a healthy and convenient way to get the nutrients they need.

  3. Shamala85
    10 reviews

    Healthy and Delicious

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 15, 2023

    Karihome Mama Goat Milk is a great option for pregnant women who are looking for a gentle and nutritious formula. It’s also a good source of DHA, which is important for brain and eye development in the baby. I started using Karihome Mama Goat Milk when I was in my second trimester and I’ve been very happy with it. I feel like it’s helped me maintain a healthy weight and has given me the energy I need to keep up with my busy lifestyle. I would definitely recommend Karihome Mama Goat Milk to other pregnant women looking for a healthy and delicious way to get the nutrients they need.

  4. Jamie Chu
    8 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 15, 2023

    I’m so glad I switched to Karihome Mama Goat Milk. It’s a great way to get the essential nutrients I need to support my baby’s development and my own health. I especially appreciate that it’s made with natural ingredients and doesn’t contain any artificial flavors or sweeteners. I would definitely recommend Karihome Mama Goat Milk to other pregnant women looking for a healthy and nutritious way to support their pregnancy.

  5. atiqahhalim
    9 reviews

    Full nutrients and energy booster

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 15, 2023

    Karihome Mama Goat Milk is a great taste and I love that it’s full of essential nutrients for my baby and me. I would definitely recommend it to other pregnant women. I’ve been using Karihome Mama Goat Milk since I was in my first trimester and I’ve been very happy with it. It’s helped me feel more energized and has given me peace of mind knowing that I’m getting the nutrients I need to support my baby’s development. I especially love that it’s made with natural ingredients and doesn’t contain any artificial flavors or sweeteners.

  6. hasniee
    6 reviews

    Natural and Nutritious

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 15, 2023

    I love that Karihome Mama Goat Milk is a natural and nutritious way to support my pregnancy. It’s easy to digest and doesn’t cause any nausea or heartburn. I also appreciate that it’s a good source of folate, calcium, and DHA, which are essential nutrients for my baby’s development. I highly recommend Karihome Mama Goat Milk to other pregnant women looking for a healthy and delicious way to get the nutrients they need.

  7. MieraKamarul69
    13 reviews

    Perjalanan menyusukan sangat indah

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 14, 2023

    Coretan ibu buat adik Medina.🥰🥹
    Berbaki lagi sebulan ibu menyusukan adik.Lepastu Ibu nak slowly wean off.Yes, i admitted it was a long journey and syukur Alhamdulillah.We did it.Rezeki adik Medina dapat menyusu until 2 years.🥹

    Bagi ibu mengandung dan menyusu yang mencari susu kambing, Miera syorkan susu Karihome Mama. Ini kerana ia mengandungi khasiat lengkap untuk ibu mengandung dan ibu menyusu badan. Malah, dirumus dengan susu kambing tulen dari New Zealand dan protein susu kambing Karihome hanya 1/3 daripada saiz protein susu lembu biasa. Lagipun ia kaya dengan 8 nutrien utama untuk bantu ibu lebih bertenaga dan anak dalam keadaan sihat. Antara nutrien yang ada adalah protein, folat, kolin, DHA, kalsium, zat besi, zink dan multivitamin. Semua nutrien ini bagus untuk anak dan ibu jadi, pengambilan susu ini sebaiknya dari awal hamil sehingga tamat tempoh penyusuan badan.

    Mudah dibancuh,lazat dan melancarkan proses penghadaman.Yeay 💕.

  8. Asmahasim71
    4 reviews

    Karihome Mama Goat Milk

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 14, 2023

    Saya amat suka susu kambing karihome ini kerana ia memberi banyak manfaat untuk ibu mengandung dan menyusu.
    Pengambilan susu kambing semasa hamil,terbukti dapant meningkatkan sistem imun dan pencernaan anak.
    Ini kerana proteinnya yang unik,kaya dengan nutrien yang semulajadi dan lipid yang lebih mudah dihadam dan diserap.
    Jadi,ibu dan anak akan dapat khasiat yang sangat bagus.

  9. Ai Fen
    37 reviews

    Milk that has complete nutrition for pregnant mothers & nursing mothers

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 2, 2023

    I’ve consumed this during my first pregnancy. I consume this recently for my nursing purpose. As a nusing mum, I am also worried that I am lack of calcium myself. Well, this is a good choice, and it can play as the supplement loss calcium for me to prevent osteoporosis in my older age. I do not get so tired easily, and have a better supplement energy. Also, I have increase quantity of breast milk obviously.

  10. Ushalni39
    17 reviews

    Karihome mama milk

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 1, 2023

    I am drinking larihome milk since the 1st day of pregnancy.i am very energetic and able to move all over the places as usual.other than that,i also can feel and i amanaged ro increase my red blood cell count which makes me better and i do feel my baby is healthy

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