Complementary medicine is a term used to describe therapies or healthcare approaches that are used in addition to, or alongside, conventional care. Common uses of complementary medicine include improving quality of life for those living with chronic conditions or in palliative care; post-surgical care; and helping anxious patients to complete orthodox treatments and procedures that have unpleasant side effects, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy. People with chronic or life-limiting conditions such as multiple sclerosis, mental health problems (i.e. mild depression and anxiety), weight problems, musculoskeletal problems, or a history of substance misuse (including alcohol and drugs), can be greatly supported using complementary medicine alongside conventional care.

Jonathan Chew, a Senior Consultant from DSY Wellness explains that the centre offers Metabolic, Functional & Nutritional Medicine (a branch of Complementary Medicine) for managing or reversing chronic health disorders by addressing known root causes through correction of dietary/nutrition deficiencies, lifestyle modifications and application of evidence-based nutraceuticals. The team at DSY Wellness believes that everyone has a unique biochemistry, which is why they place the highest priority of care on the patient, based on respective health needs.

Apart from addressing chronic health disorders, DSY Wellness also partners with Institute of Complementary & Traditional Medicine ( to provide various courses of personal health empowerment. Mainly to address the rising prevalence rate of chronic health disorders, both locally and internationally.


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