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Singapore Math Academy Makes Maths Fascinating

Singapore Math Academy

Since 1995, Singapore is ranked in the top 5 in the world in mathematics according to Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) worldwide. According to experts, part of the reason Singapore students are so good in math is because their curriculum teaches mathematical principles through a carefully planned foundational learning where each grade level is a building block to another. However, Singapore Mathematics can be a daunting subject to many.

​This is where Singapore Math Academy shines. Using the math curriculum material approved by the Singapore Ministry of Education, Singapore Math Academy provides Singapore Math classes from kindergarten up to Secondary Year 11 (equivalent to Form 5), and hence, is relevant to pre-primary, primary and secondary children of all schools.

Singapore Math Academy

Complete learning in Mathematics cannot be properly taught to young children with just drilling of worksheets. A complete range of teaching materials and a properly trained teacher is absolutely essential. As such, the Math classes are more than just rote learning through repetitive exercises and worksheets. The syllabus focuses on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) or KBAT which will help improve your child’s problem solving skills not only in Math but for life. Students are provided with a complete set of instructional materials and guided by trained and certified teachers. Extra supplementary materials are provided as needed for weaker students or for those that want that extra challenge.

This proven concept zeroes in on learning and mastering fewer mathematical concepts but with greater detail. A three-step learning process is employed here – Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA). In the ‘Concrete’ procedure, concrete objects (linking cubes, base-10, etc) are featured in hands-on learning experiences. Thereafter, Step 2 involves actually drawing ‘Pictorial representations’ of mathematical concepts with visualisation skills. Finally, students solve mathematical problems in an ‘Abstract’ format, using equations and numbers sentences.

With new changes in our Malaysia National Maths Curriculum to focus on problem solving and higher order thinking skills (HOTS or KBATS). In essence, Singapore Math’s innovative learning approaches have inspired students to be more excited and engaged about Maths. Even experienced teachers were impressed at the ‘math gains’ demonstrated by Singapore Math students.

Singapore Math Academy has recently won the BabyTalk Reader’s Choice Awards for Enrichment Centre (Mathematics).

Singapore Math Academy


Interested parents can send their child for a free assessment session for their child at the nearest centre. Parents can ask any questions about the programme and find out on how Singapore Math Academy can help their child develop their critical thinking skills, achieve better grades, cultivate interest in math and most importantly, be able to face the challenges in life and solve problems.

For more information, visit their website at www.singaporemathacademy.com, Facebook and Instagram pages.

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