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FIT IN Child Development Centre

FitIN Therapy

It has been proven that ABA Therapy is the most effective modern treatment in helping children with autism to reduce their symptoms so that they can lead a normal life. The risk of children reaching a mentally stagnated point and facing learning difficulties is high if treatment of autism is delayed. Another risk of delayed diagnosis/treatment is that ASD children may have cognitive or sensory issues and cannot fit into normal day-to-day environment. Usually, after two years of intensive ABA therapy treatment, the high functioning child would no longer be in the spectrum and will start his school life as a regular kid, going to mainstream school with same-age peers.

“If a child cannot learn in the way we teach… We must teach in a way that the child can learn.”

Children with autism typically lack the motivation to learn new tasks and take part in their social environment. Some traits you may observe when placed in social situations are temper tantrums, crying, non-compliance, inattention, fidgeting, staring, attempting to leave, or unwillingness. The use of ABA therapy can increase the motivational desire in children with autism, therefore, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of the teaching environment.

ABA Therapy Approaches

Video modelling: uses repeated presentations of target behaviours to improve various skills in individuals with autism, including conversational speech (i.e., verbal responding), vocabulary, emotional understanding, and daily living skills.

Self-management treatment: helps ASD children to increase independence without increased reliance on a teacher or parent. Self-management treatment typically involves self- evaluation of performance, self-monitoring, and self-delivery of reinforcement.

Pivotal response therapy (PRT): Development of skills is promoted by primarily two ‘pivotal’ behavioural skills: motivation and the ability to respond to multiple cues. Studies have shown that the development of these skills results in overall behavioural improvements in children with ASD.

Reinforcement: Reinforcement is any stimulus that will increase the likelihood of a target behaviour reappearing. The stronger the reinforcement, the faster the child will learn.

FIT IN Child Development Centre has successfully helped children from age 2 to 17 with learning disabilities to live a normal and healthy life and to catch up to their developmental milestones. FIT IN’s experienced therapists are confident that they will find a method that suits your child.

FIT IN supports children with:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Speech Delay
  • Dyslexia
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Asperger Syndrome (AS)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Global Developmental Delay (GDD)
  • Physical & Sensory Problems

FIT IN’s proven unique ABA Therapy techniques help to improve:

  • Language and Communication Skills
  • Improve Attention, Focus and Memory
  • Social Skills
  • Academics
  • Fit into the natural environment

Success Stories

“These people really believe in what they do. After 12 months of ABA Therapy, he has improved so much. Cannot thank them enough!”

-Mr. Arvind
Father of a 4-year-old boy

“My 3-year-old daughter was struggling with speaking and making eye contact, Ms Tiffany was really patient and now my daughter is making excellent progress.”

-Ms Jennifer
Mother of a 3-year-old girl

“My son is 7 years old and he has been receiving Fit In’s School Shadow Aide Services. He has grown to be more independent and has been able to make friends on his own.”

-Ms Tan
Mother of a 7-year-old boy

For more details, please visit the website and Facebook


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